take it all

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Just one slight head nod a day, it was all they gave each other, it wasn't easy. It surely wasn't but Harry couldn't talk to him, not after what he did. He'll never forget it, the day he found out his boyfriend was cheating on him with Draco Malfoy shocked him. Cedric Diggory had always been gone at night and Harry found out he was with Draco. so that was the slight nod, Harry wanted to rip his face off, that awful smirk and those bloody eyes, they never were friends and after Cedric died they never spoke to each other only the nod. Hermione nudged Harry in the side. "what?" he asked. "you're a grown up now and you have four children, you should at least try to talk to him." she said. Harry shook his head. "he's ruined it, I don't care about him." Harry said. "what's holding you back, Ginny left you and the kids right after she gave birth, she never cared about who you liked." Ron said. Harry looked down. "I can't talk to him." Harry said and waited until his 2 sons came towards him for the winter break. "dad!" Albus came running towards him and hugged him. "how are you?" Harry asked. "it was great, I have a best friend!" albus said. "great who is it?" Harry asked. "watch out with that question dad, do you want to sit down before you hear it?" James asked. Albus glared towards him. "it's Scorpius Malfoy." Albus said. Harry's jaw dropped, "his dad asked if I could over for a few days in the summer?" Albus said. "I'll talk about it with him." Harry replied and wanted to turn around. "hello Potter." The nod turned into a 'hello'. they worked together in the same office for Apple, they both worked as muggles. "yeah?" Harry asked. "maybe your son can stay over for a few days tomorrow, Scorpius would like it." Draco said. "don't you work Malfoy?" Harry asked. "they're eleven, I'm sure they're old enough to take care for themselves. I also have house elves." Harry shook his head. "I don't want your house elves to take care for my son." Harry answered. "why doesn't he come to yours then, you have a wife." Harry looked down. "I had a wife Malfoy, I'll never have one again, besides I have my hands full with two teens in puberty a girl that's going through a rebellious phase and a newborn who starts crying every five minutes?" Harry asked. "but dad, I really don't mind taking care for myself and Scorpius won't be bother." Albus tried. "I said no, besides it's almost Christmas, so we're going to celebrate that with family." Harry said. "what if we celebrate it together, your wife left you and I don't think she wants you at her family dinner with her family and the rest of your family is dead, no offense. Our family is in Azkaban so why don't we do that together?" Scorpius asked. Harry looked up at Draco. "Scorpius don't think you see the idea of no, it means you can't have it." Draco said. Scorpius rolled his eyes. "dad please, it's a great idea." Albus said. "Al, don't you understand if that prat wasn't it dad's life we wouldn't even existed because dad is gay and was with Cedric Digory and that dickhead broke up with dad for that git." James said. Albus looked up at his father. "how do you know that?" Harry asked. "mom told me, that's why she left." James said. Harry nodded and looked back up. "you were together with Ced?" Draco asked. "obviously." Harry said. "I ruined your relationship?" Draco asked. "yeah and I should go now." Harry said. "we'll do Scorpius's idea, December the twenty-fourth at my house the manor." Draco said. "I'll see what I do." Harry said and walked away with his kids. "that went great." Hermione said. "it didn't." Harry said. "you now know why my sister left you." Ron said. "you knew why." Harry said. "I did, but I wasn't allowed to tell you." Ron said. "I'm bisexual, I can still date woman." Harry said. "maybe you can date Scorpius's dad." Lily said. "that twat, never." Harry said.

Draco shot up when the doorbell rang. "he came!" Scorpius exclaimed. "calm down, it can be Edward too." Draco said and opened the door and saw an absolute exhausted Harry, he looked worse then ever and he didn't have his children with him. "Potter, the whole idea after celebrating Christmas together was to please our children." Draco said. "can I come in?" Harry asked. "where are they?" Draco asked. "Ginny forced then to live with her, and-" Harry was cut off by a fit of sobs. "come in." Draco said and walked with him towards the living room. "why did I do in life to deserve this?" Harry asked. "Harry it's not your fault." Draco said not aware he had just used Harry's first name. "when I was one year old my parents died, I was used as my aunt's uncle's slave since I was eight, I saw people dying every year since I was 11, I saw my godfather die, I fought a war and my wife left me and forced my children to live with her." Harry said. "maybe life isn't always the best, but think about the good things, you're a wizard and your best friends and the best and you didn't have parents that forced you to become a death eater and you didn't have to kill your headmaster and you didn't see your mother's cousin go insane and you didn't have to fight to not be Azkaban and you didn't have to prove to society you're not a criminal." Draco said. Harry looked up. "I shouldn't have come." Harry said. "yes you should, I am sorry I dated Cedric when he was with you, I didn't know, I was so frustrated and I didn't really have a relation with him, just get rid of my sexual frustration." Draco said. Harry looked Draco in the eye. "I'm sorry, Scorpius was bad father and now you can't see your friend. I'm going home; thanks that I could come in." Harry said and started walking towards the door. "wait Harry." Draco said and grabbed his wrist. "what?" Harry asked. Draco kissed him on the lips without hesitation. "what are you doing?" Harry murmured. "take it all." Draco said and kissed him harder. Harry kissed back. Scorpius looked at the two like they were idiots. "still minors in the room excuse me, dad!" Scorpius said. Draco let go of Harry and he looked at his son. "I promise that you can see Albus this break." Draco said and looked at Harry. "I'll walk you out." He said. "I thank I want to stay a little longer." Harry said and looked up at Draco. "fine, Scorpius can you please go and do something else?" Draco asked. "you guys are so gross." Scorpius said. "we're not going to have sex, If that is what you're thinking, we're just going to talk about dirty things." Draco said. "dad shut up!" Scorpius said. Draco chuckled and looked at Harry. "just some mature stuff you won't understand." Harry said. "like what?" Scorpius asked. "taxes." Draco said. Harry chuckled. "you are insane." Scorpius said and walked upstairs. 

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