"Oh, I'm not going to be here. I felt guilty leaving Bella alone, so this works out. I'm going fishing with my buddies on the Rez," he smiled.

Serafina felt better, "Don't fall in. I've seen your daughter trip over her shoelaces. I don't know from whom she inherited that, so I'm just throwing that out there."

The three laughed at that, and Alice continued her attempts to talk him into letting Bella stay the night. She knew it would work but still had to put in the effort. Soon, Bella's truck could be heard approaching the home. Charlie couldn't hear. But the two women present could. Alice wrapped up the conversation, and the three exited the house just as the girl arrived. Serafina said goodbye as she explained she would wander around town for the day before heading home. She was leaving Alice to explain things to the girl.

Once home, Serafina took the tickets to Rosalie, who immediately squealed as she snatched them from her hands with a broad smile. But her smile soon turned to confusion, "You took the initiative to get us tickets to a Yankees game?" Rosalie asked with suspicion, "You hate sports."

"I didn't get them for us," Serafina grinned, "They're a wedding gift from Charlie."

"You're not calling him Chief Swan anymore?" Rosalie asked with surprise.

"Those are good tickets," Serafina pointed out, "he earned being called by his first name. It's weird, though; I'll probably go back to calling him Chief Swan at some point."

Rosalie laughed at that, "They are pretty good. I'll have to thank him the next time I see him. Shame. I prefer to stay away from Bella and her family." Serafina nodded in agreement.

"How're preparations going?" Serafina asked while her wife was still eyeing the tickets.

This snapped Rosalie out of it. After all the drama, she considered making the game an excuse for a week away from the family. But she remembered that the drama hadn't passed yet, "We're going hunting to prepare." She answered.

The rest of the family was on edge, considering the numbers of the enemy. When their cousins refused to help because of the wolves, their nerves only became worse. Only Emmett was excited, while Rosalie was perfectly calm. Rosalie knew Serafina wouldn't be there with them physically, but she knew she wouldn't let anything happen to herself. And although Serafina openly refused to help the family, she knew her wife. She loved the family. Some members more than others. But she loved the family enough as a whole not to allow them to die.

Serafina knew Rosalie wasn't as nervous as the others. She knew that was due to her trust and faith in herself. She wouldn't let her down. She smiled as she kissed her goodbye when their parents called Rosalie to go hunting together. Edward had gone even earlier than the others so he could be home with the human and hadn't returned yet, so Serafina had the house to herself for a while.

She made her way to Carlisle's vault and decided to power herself up. Once she opened it, she grabbed a blood bag and whispered to her fire, "Muy bien, Rika, vamos a prepararte también para la batalla. Tienes que proteger a mi Rosa. Observaré desde la distancia, así que por favor ayúdame si los demás lo necesitan."

Once she finished the bag, she set it ablaze to destroy the evidence and returned to her room just as Edward arrived. He knew she was there since she had already refused to help. He glared at her, "Bella will be here soon."

"Say no more. I'm already leaving," Serafina rolled her eyes.

Edward soon sped before her, "are you really not going to help?" he asked.

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