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Summer break

Shoto had a date planned for us tonight. We were going to dinner at a restaurant downtown after patrols together, and I was instructed to "dress my best."

This meant doing a recon with Momos wardrobe.

The past couple of weeks had been... great actually.

Shoto and I were officially dating. Everyone knew, including Aizawa who had only nodded his head at me once when he saw us holding hands.

It was a big change from the man he was before, this one was just calm, waiting his time out.

Shoto on the other hand had taken me falling in love with him pretty seriously. Sure he wasn't being dramatic in anything he did, but every action truly was thought out.

The way he carried my bags everywhere, the way he listened to me speak about everything and nothing, the physical affection I didn't know I needed and the subtle ways he gave it to me. He was constantly touching me, not even romantically sometimes, just a hand on my back, a brush through my hair, a kiss on the head as he walks past me in the lounge when I'm sitting with the girls studying. Every moment he is around it's like a breath of air.

And it was working, god was it working. This was our first real date tonight, an official one going out alone and eating at a restaurant. We were with each other every day and yet this would be our first romantic night.

If you didn't count the nights he fell asleep in my room, enjoying the lax rules around summer break.

I had decided to stay here for break, not wanting to leave my sidekick work at the agency until September.

"Are you almost ready?" I heard at my door, opening it up to see Mina with her make up box.

"Your foundation will def not match me," I stated without thinking.

Cackling she made her way in with Momo behind holding dresses and Jiro closing the door.

"You have about 1 hour before its date time and you're still in your towel???"

The girls worked like a streamline, passing me back and forth until finally I was primed and ready for my date with Shoto.

"I gotta ask, you know who, how are you feeling right now?" Mina asked quietly while Momo talked to Jiro.

"Confused more than ever." I replied back plainly.

To put it simple, without the constant interaction or need for Aizawa attention, I found myself forgetting him for moments, Shoto taking his place.

But other times, when Shoto had left my room to go sleep in his, a little thought would pop in my head saying "hey, wouldn't it be nice to go lay down with Shota for bed?"

And that's why I knew Shoto hadn't won my heart out yet. There was still a part reaching out to Shota. But the more days I spent with Shoto... the harder it was to keep my heart for Shota.

"Any contact from, ya know, him?" She asked.

Shaking my head no, I thought about his texts. Still there, not deleted. Still waiting for another to pop in.

"He meant it when he said these 7 months were mine I guess," I mumbled in response.

She seemed to notice my energy drop, trying to change the subject back to dinner and food and where we were going. And it worked, a little, but now I had both in my head when I should've just had one.

Another knock in the door stopped us all from moving, "shit what time is it?" Mina mumbled, before hastingly grabbing everything and tossing it back in her bag, Momo following her and grabbing the different clothes she had brought up.

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