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Margaux had been shoved hard enough to wake her up from her slumber. She didn't want to wake up if it meant she'd be where she had been for over a week.

"Eat up, you'll be expecting a guest soon." The strange looking man mumbled to her as he placed a tray of food on her lap before leaving her alone once again. Margaux felt discombobulated and irritated all at once. Who could be coming to see her and why? If it was Felix Dubois, there wouldn't be any need to tell her.

She eyed the food in front of her with suspicion. She had always thought they were laced with something but fortunately for her, it wasn't. She began eating her food with a huff.

It felt like months that she'd been trapped here but it had only a week and few days. Days of boredom and most times torture. Ever since she was caught talking to Mr Alvarez on the phone by Felix, he had been taking out his frustrations on her. Although he never sexually violated her, not while he had people watch over her, he made sure to hit and demean her. She was his play thing whenever he needed something to take his mind off the now concurrent problem creeping it's way to bite him in the rear.

Margaux would admit that she had thought of Remington more times than she'd dare say but she couldn't help it. She missed her lover dearly and wished she would be in her arms again. She wanted to hear her voice again, feel her surprisingly soft skin underneath her fingertips, kiss her till air became an issue but unfortunately the odds weren't in her favor. With every passing minute, she hoped Remington was close enough to finding her and freeing her from her seemingly endless suffering.

The creaking of the metal door broke Margaux out of her reverie as she snapped her attention to whoever was at the door in anticipation.

"Not so pleased to see me I presume?" Felix chuckled at the clear disappointment showing on her features.

All she gave as a reply was a grunt before she continued stuffing her face with the once forgotten meal.

"I have good news for you." He continued when he noticed she wasn't going to speak.

Margaux turned to look at him with an unimpressed look, waiting for him to get on with the news.

"Well geez if you didn't want to know that your biological father was coming, you should've said so." Her eyes widened at that. Was he being serious or playing his games?

"W-What?" She let out in barely a whisper.

"And now she speaks. Your real father would be here in two days but after forty eight hours, he'd be dead so make his last moments with you count." Felix said with disinterest before turning to leave but stopping halfway.

"Oh and I'll make sure to tell him how amazing you feel down there. Too bad I'll be killing you right after, you'd make for a good fuck and stress reliever when I need it." Margaux tossed the tray at him but he was already behind the metal door laughing.

At this point Margaux couldn't know what to feel anymore. Her father was coming but she had only a limited time with him, would she be saved before his death or would it be too late? Was there even a search party looking for her? Had Remington gotten over her after she had been ignoring her? She wanted to pull on her hair in frustration but her hands were bound to the bed she had been lying in for over a week. She didn't smell because there had been someone coming to get her to shower and use the bathroom when needed. It was all surprising for her, all she'd heard about kidnapping stories was how they usually slept in their filth and had little to nothing to eat. Compared to those cases she was still living in luxury and she was partially grateful.

Soon after, the same man who had come earlier to drop off her food returned and took the tray from her. She barely paid him any kind because her thoughts were still racing. She was excited, scared, devastated, frustrated and many more emotions that couldn't be mentioned.

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