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  My sleep had been cut short by someone vigorously shoving me and my eyes swung wide open in alert.

  "W-what is it?" My voice being groggy from the few hours of sleep I had.

  "Remington..I-I don't know how to say this." Sarah said while she tried not so hard to cry.

  She even called me by my full name and she never does that. What must be the matter?

  My anxiety seemed to be reflecting through my face and she hugged me, full on weeping.

  "Come on Sarah, please tell me what's making you cry like this." I was starting to get worried and I just hoped it wasn't something really bad.

  "I just—your mom, she's at the hospital. I received a call that she got in an accident."

  As those words left her mouth, I felt my blood run cold. Mom, accident, hospital. Those were the only words that rang through my ears as I pulled on some sweats and shoes.

  "Let's go. You'll tell me what hospital when we get out of here." I said as I helped her put her things together. We needed to move now.

  The drive to the hospital was eerily quiet and calm but you could tell the both of us were on edge. Always shifting in our seats as though we sat on fire. The moment we got to the hospital, I wasted no time running to the front desk and asking about my mother.

  "Sofia Alvarez." I asked and the nurse told me she was in the ICU, but also revealed to me where my father was waiting.

  I thanked her and immediately took off to my next destination. I saw dad pacing back and forth; looking very shaken up and tense.

  "Dad." I called out and his head snapped in my direction and he sped walked to me, engulfing me in a hug.

  "Oh mija." He said in consolation.

  "What happened to her dad?" My voice began breaking and I knew the waterworks were to arrive any minute now.

  "I was at the office mija, your mom was on her way home to you. I told her to wait a bit but she refused, saying how she missed you. I didn't know she was in an accident but I had a bad feeling until someone called me from her phone after the crash had occurred." His sobs were now clearer and he held me tighter. I held him just as tight.

  "Will she be okay?"

  "I don't know mija, the doctors are still with her in the ICU and they didn't let me see her." We we're now sitting on the chairs at the waiting room and the smell of the different kinds of medicines flooded my nostril.

  I sighed, "I guess we'll just wait till they're done. I hope mom's okay." I said with my head in my hands.

  My dad rubbed my back in comfort but stayed silent. He knew there's no way to be sure she's safe but one can only hope.

  I was sleeping until I heard the heels of someone's shoes tapping along the floor and that woke me up instantly. It was the doctor, there was blood all over his scrub and he had on his face a look of, no.

  "Here for Alvarez." The doctor said and we all shot up from our seats. I forgot Sarah was here.

  "I'm her husband and that's my daughter." He gestured to me."

  "Hello Mr Alvarez, I'm your wife's surgeon—doctor Singh." He had an emotion I couldn't pin point on his face and it scared me.

  "Judging by the look on your face, you're here to give us bad news?" My dad asked as he clenched his jaw.

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