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"Do you think she's okay?" A muffled voice said and it sounded so loud.

"I don't know. I hope she is. I wonder what happened to her that triggered a panic attack." The other voice was laced with worry and I furrowed my eyebrows. Were they talking about me?

A strangled groan forced it way out of my mouth.

I heard gasps before hearing the sound of shoes pattering against the floor came closer to where I was, with my eyes still closed tightly.


I hummed in response. My throat still feeling dry.

"Do you want some water?" I hummed.

"Alright I'll help you sit up now." Strong arms held me by my biceps before pushing me upright lightly.

I tried opening my eyes before closing them back again due to the sudden sight of light.

"Here, drink." Whoever this person was put a cup on my lips and I instantly began gulping down its contents. Yes, I was thirsty.

I let out a burp before wiping my mouth and opening my eyes again, trying to adjust them to my bright surroundings.

"Wouldn't kill you to be lady-like." Michael's voice sounded amused but the look on his face wasn't. Hm.

"If it could, it would've." I shrugged a bit at him and then it went silent as he continued staring at me, waiting for answers which I wasn't ready to share.

"Remi." He sighed out.


"What triggered it?" Michael's forehead was creased as he sat there, hoping I'd answer his question.

"What triggered what?"

"Quit playing dumb and read the room." Tom sighed in exasperation and I couldn't blame him. I wasn't exactly being logical. I could just tell them the half truth like I've always done.

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, uhm I overheard someone talk about my err family and me, they insulted us as well so yeah." I stared at my fingers as I played with them.

"That's it?" Micheal asked with a risen brow.


"Okay. Well I opened your phone and sent a text using your phone, telling your dad that you had homework with a friend but you'll be back home eventually." Micheal passed me my phone and I was surprised to not see any missed calls. I guess that was his first instinct so my father won't worry.

"Thank you. I really don't know what would've happened if you guys didn't push me into opening the door."

"You don't have to thank us for something we'd do a million times Remi. You're our best friend." Michael brought his arm to my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. I have four more best friends? Sweet.

After we talked a little, I made a move to get up from the bed but the two were quick to come to my aid causing me to sit back down with an amused look on my face.

"What're you guys trying to do?"

"Helping you up?" Tom said, uncertain.

"I'm fine." I clarified and they both nodded immediately.

"We know, it's just-you could still feel lightheaded from passing out." Micheal's brows furrowed in worry.

"Agh okay. You're both being too hard to resist." As I said that, they both put my hands over their shoulders-pulling me up with them.

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