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Author's note: There will be some triggering things in this chapter so be warned. I'll also put a sign before the part begins so look out for it and read at your own risk.


  The summer break flew by in a breeze and school was resuming tomorrow. To say I was dreading it would be an understatement.

  Remington and I have been okay. We haven't put a label on our..relationship because of me. I didn't want one, not yet anyway. My father has been home every day and it's infuriating. I didn't want him to be present. If he got even a whiff of what Remington and I do behind closed doors, I'm sure he'd do away with her or us both. As much as it pains me to say this, I'll have to cut off our interactions. I can't be seen with her now that I know what my father is capable of.

  "Margaux are you even listening to me?" Heather's exasperated voice broke me from my reverie.

  "Huh? Yeah." I lied and she knew it too.

  "Alright spill. What's got you so tense? Is it school? Your dad?" I shook my vigorously at the last one.

  "No no. It's school. I was enjoying the break and suddenly it's all over like how is that even possible?" It was sorta half the truth.

  "I feel you girl. I definitely enjoyed my break." There was a dirty smirk on her face and I immediately could tell what she meant by that.

  "You're a naughty girl."

  "You should've seen the other girl. She was downright bad." I saw Heather shiver and I stared at her with a playful disgusted look.

  "Ew. Who's she anyway?" I was genuinely curious because I've never seen my best friend smile so hard after a hookup or more.

  "Don't act so innocent now. I can tell you're hiding something from me, girl you're practically glowing. I know that kind of glow anywhere." My face flushed at her observation. Remington and I have been having sex ever since our first time. Sure we don't get to see each other everyday but when we do have the time and energy, we get to work.

  "And you know that girl Remington hung out with for a full week before we never saw her again? Well I went to Los Angeles and we linked up. I wasn't even supposed to tell you that but you're my girl girl." I suddenly felt guilty. She's spilling something that she shouldn't even be telling me and I can't do the same. It's not like I don't trust her to keep it to herself but I don't know. It's really complicated and I wished it wasn't.

  "Whoa. Does Remington know yet or are you planning on keeping this a secret from her? You know how she is with lies and secrets especially when it involves her."

  "Since when do you care about Remington?" Heather's brow shot up in suspicion. Shit.

  "I don't. I mean I would be mad if my friend went out with my best friend behind my back. Wouldn't you?" I chuckled nervously and her eyes narrowed but she didn't say anything more.

  "Well I was planning on telling her first thing tomorrow but I have to consult Sarah. Just to see if she's comfortable with Remington knowing about us." She shrugged her shoulders with a small smile and I smiled at her.

  "I'm happy for you Heather. It's been ages since I've seen a smile like that on your face. If she keeps you happy then you better hold on tight but if she breaks your heart, tell her I know fifty ways I can make her death painful and slow." Heather recoiled a bit as she stared at me with narrowed eyes again.

"Yeah, you're the last person I'm introducing to her." Her voice held playfulness but she better be joking or I'd cut her in her sleep.

  "Mhm we'll see."

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