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A groan escaped my lips as I reached over to turn off the alarm. Just when I was finally getting some sleep you piece of shit.

I slid the covers off me and stood up, stretching my still tense muscles-eliciting a small moan from me. Did I talk about getting a massage sometime though?

Sluggishly shrugging off my nightwear, I strolled to my bathroom and instantly got into the shower.

The moment I turned on the faucet, I regretted that sleepy decision because the water was icy-cold.

"Fuck!" I hissed as I flinched from the water, which now had me fully awake.

I adjusted the temperature and then started taking my bath. My mind was still a bit hazy from sleep but I was conscious for the most part.

After I stepped out of the shower, I went to brush my teeth simply because I forgot. It was supposed to be the first thing I should've done. I walked back into my room, wearing nothing but my towel as I then went over to my underwear drawer.

It was still pretty early so I took my time selecting a good enough outfit to start the week with.

"Hm, brown pants with a white t-shirt and a black v-neck button up sweater sounds right." I mumbled to myself as I stared at the clothes I had laid out on my bed.

"Shoes? Uh possibly a white nike air-max would do." I stroked my chin as I pulled it out. Seems about right.

After applying my body lotion, I slipped on my clothes and shoes, lastly putting on my body-spray before looking in the mirror and nodding in approval. Good enough.

I grabbed my phone and bag pack before making my way downstairs. I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone, until I heard a voice that made me stop in my tracks.

"Mija." The voice called out as the owner stared at me with glossy eyes.

I couldn't say anything else as I just ran over to him and pulled him in for a big hug. I missed him so much.

"Dad." My voice wavered as I pulled back slightly from the hug. His hold on me was firm and unmoving.

"How are you doing mija? Marcus told me somethings but I wanted to hear the rest from you." I almost let a sigh of relief escape from my lips when he mentioned that. If Mark had told him about what had been happening at school, he'd immediately press charges and I don't want that.

"O-oh school's been the usual-boring but educating, uh I made some friends too. I'll bring them over to be introduced soon. Oh! And I got to be captain of the school's basketball team." I nervously chuckled after my rambling.

My dad's smile widened at the last part which made mine imitate his. I just missed him so much.

"Oh mija, that's fantastic news! I'm so proud of you." He pulled me into yet another hug and I wasn't complaining. I never will. His smell engulfed my senses and I sighed in content. It was so long since I had received some sense of warmth from a parent. I usually got these kinds of hugs from my mom and now..she's gone for good, but let's not thread down that road now.

"Gracias dad. I'd love to chat but I have school soon but when I get back, we'll catch up." I rushed out the door, before returning back in and picking up my already laid out breakfast. "I'll bring these back." I showed raised the plate and cup at Mark and he shook his head in amusement.

"Bye mija and drive safe!" I heard my dad yell out to me as I drove off.

My hand clenched tightly around the steering wheel as I continued driving. I didn't really have enough sleep throughout the night because my brain had decided to make me relive that day I lost one of the most important persons in my life through my dreams. It kept on getting repetitive no matter how much I tried waking up-hoping it was all just a bad dream. I really thought I was somehow over it and getting used to the fact that she's gone, but I seemingly can't.

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