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"So like you want me to help you get Kevin's phone from him so you could show Remington proof of you not being the person who basically outed her?" Heather asked once again and I just cut my eyes at her.

"Yes for the hundredth time today, yes." I sighed at her.

"This feels just like a movie, we are gonna hack into his phone and get his-wait, we're not smart enough to hack into anything. I knew this plan would have loopholes." She snapped her fingers as her other hand brushed against her jaw in thought.

"Oh there's no need for hacking. I've been keeping my eyes on him especially when he gets on his phone and I noticed he doesn't have a code on it. Which is kinda dumb." I shrugged.

"Very dumb." Heather clarified as she snickered.

"So you and Remington huh?" She elbowed me and I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"What about us?"

"You like her, don't you?" There was this tone to her voice but I couldn't pinpoint exactly how it sounded.

"I don't. I'm-I just want to clear my name and expose Kevin, possibly get him expelled from school."

She hummed at me before going back to her homework.

Was I lying about my feelings or did I just choose not to acknowledge them? Clearly there will be downsides to going out with Remington if I do somehow manage to clear my name and tell her how I feel. It just wouldn't work, not like I thought of it.

My father has been away from home since this week started, he comes once in a while but never stays overnight so you could say I was lucky this time around.

He's been acting a bit strange lately too. One minute he's mean, violent and crazy and the next he's nice, sweet and loving-which I was never used to. Whenever he softly calls for me, I ignore him and pretend I'm asleep because his switch could flip any moment and I'll become his personal punching bag.

I looked over to where Heather laid on her stomach with her legs dangling on air while she was on the floor doing her homework. I wanted to tell her about my father's abuse nature-I really did but I knew she'd act on impulse and try to get him in jail and it'll lead to investigations, then to court hearings and before you know it-I'll be back in his care again because he had the money and power to twist and turn stories to his favor. I've seen him do things like that so I never bothered.

The rest of the day had dragged on before Heather and I decided to have dinner then move back to my bedroom so we could get ready to sleep. Summer break was fast approaching so we needed to get our hands on Kevin's phone quickly so he won't have to come back after the break. He needed to leave.

Soon enough, we both fell asleep after talking in hushed tones when there was exactly no need for it but where was the fun in talking with a normal pitched voice?

It was now currently the morning and I had woken up before Heather. I was thankful about that because I didn't want her seeing the bruises I had on my half-naked body.

I had stepped out of the shower a few minutes ago and I already had my clothes on when I went to wake my best friend up. She did that snort thing before mumbling a 'flipping cheers mate' in a surprisingly good English accent which had me curious about what she had dreamt about. I'd ask her later.

"Wake up. It's getting to 6am and we both know how long you take to get ready." I shoved her a bit more before she grumbled and got out of bed. I forgot she wasn't a morning person.

She was finished getting ready so we grabbed our already packed lunch and ate breakfast before going in our separate cars to school because she'd be going home today after all.

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