•Part forty nine

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"Yeah, there's a huge Halloween party later on in the Great Hall." Draco Malfoy said.

"The Great Hall?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Yep." Draco nodded his head. "Some group of seventh years decided to throw a massive party for their last Halloween here, and they just decided to throw it in the Great Hall behind Dumbledore and Umbridge's backs."

"How are they gonna do that, then?" You asked him, not thinking their plan will work out well.

"I have absolutely no idea. They might cast a charm on the Hall, or something else like that." He explained. "We'll find out later."

"I guess we will." You nodded along.

Your best friend and you went on to talk about some of the most random things ever until the rest of your friends joined you in your dorm room. Blaise managed to wake up Mattheo and he then ended up falling back asleep on the floor of your dorm room.

Draco and you felt so much relief when he finally got off of the two of you, but you stayed laying with Draco on your bed. Your friends sat around in the dorm with you for a while before it was finally time to get ready for the Halloween party later tonight.

The boys all left yours and Pansy's dorm to get themselves ready, and now it was just you and her in your dorm room.

"So, how are you and Blaise?" You asked her whilst trying to find an outfit to wear.

"We're really good." Pansy said to you with a huge smile on her face, unable to even attempt to hide it. "I really like him, Aria."

"I know you do." You said. "You know, he was asking me about you before."

"What?" She asked you.

"We were sat in potions one day and he just started to ask me questions about you... it was after you slept with Dean." You told her and she sighed.

"Was he upset? Was he mad?" She asked.

"No, not at all. He just wanted to know if I thought there was something more going on with Dean and you, and if I thought you liked him back because he just couldn't control how much he liked you." You told her and she began to blush like crazy.

"Aria, I really, really like him." Pansy said to you. "No. I don't like him. I-I love him."

"Aw, Pans!" You exclaimed. "Have you told him that yet?"

"I don't think so." She said. "It might have slipped out, but I don't know if he actually knows that I love him."

"I'm sure he does know that." You said. "I also don't think that it matters. He loves you so much, Pansy, anyone can see that and I don't think Blaise will care whether you say I love you or not."

"Do you really think that or are you just saying that because you're my best friend, Aria?" Pansy questioned you.

"I really do think that, Pans." You told her.

Pansy and you got ready together, talking for what felt like hours but really was only an hour and a half. She had planned out a Halloween costume with Blaise and they were going as a couple, obviously.

You had absolutely no idea what any of the other boys were going to the party as, or if they weren't going to dress up this year, but they usually do dress up.

Your other dorm mates came back and were no getting ready with Pansy and you.

Daphne Greengrass was going to the party as a cowgirl. She had on a tiny pair of blue denim shorts with a pink checkered crop top that was tied up at the front. Finally, to complete the look, she also had matching cow boots and a hat on. 

The other girl in your dorm room, Millicent Bulstrode, was going to the party dressed as a policewoman. She had on a full police uniform and even a fake pair of handcuffs.

Pansy was in her costume already, an angel to match Blaise's devil. It didn't make much sense to you that she was the angel and he was the devil, as it was usually the other way around, but you didn't say anything.

You still had absolutely no idea what to wear tonight. It was already half past six and Fred would be picking you up in half an hour, and you hadn't gotten changed yet.

Your hair and your makeup was all done and ready, but you were still sat in your cozy pyjamas in your bed. Your hair was up in a slicked back high ponytail and your makeup looked flawless, Daphne did it all for you.

"We're leaving now, Aria." Millicent said to you.

You looked up and the three girls were all stood by the door in their outfits. They all looked beautiful, just like always.

"Are you coming?" Daphne asked you.

"Not just yet, I'm still waiting on someone to meet me up here." You told the girls.

"You girls wait for me outside, I'll be there in a minute." Pansy told Daphne and Millicent.

The two girls nodded their heads, said their goodbyes to you, and left the dorm, the door closing behind them. Pansy and you were now just left alone in the dorm and you didn't really know why.

"You're waiting on Fred." She said.

"I am." You nodded your head.

"And you still aren't dressed." She said.

"I am not." You nodded your head again.

"Have you not noticed what is hung up on that door over there?" She asked you.

She looked over at the door behind you and you turned your head to look. On the door was a black dress with lacy going down the sides of it, it was a tight and short dress that you absolutely adored.

"Oh, Pansy, I couldn't." You said to her.

"But, Aria, you can!" She exclaimed. "You want to impress Fred, what better way to do it than this!?"

"That is your birthday dress, I couldn't risk ruining that on stupid Halloween." You said to your best friend.

Word Count : 1030

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