•Part thirty six

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Fred and you spent some more time in the black lake together, splashing water at each other and having some intimate time with one another. You loved it and didn't want to leave any time soon, but you were freezing cold so you knew you had to.

You and Fred got out of the black lake and decided to split off from each other. You two went back to your own dorm rooms to get dry and changed before meeting again at the Gryffindor Tower for the dinner date.

The dinner date went amazingly. You were sat down across from Fred and the two of you had the best time ever. You really got to know him and you learnt lots more about him, which you found was so great.

He learnt some stuff about you, as well.

You had no idea how, but Fred managed to get your favourite meal for dinner, which was lasagne. He wouldn't give up how he found out about your favourite dish, but you definitely weren't complaining because of how delicious it was.

After dinner was finished, Fred and you did what he said you would do and watched the sunset and the stars on the top of the tower.
Fred had set up some blankets and a few pillows on the top of the tower so you could have the best view of the sky whilst still being comfortable together.

Everything was going great and you were having the best time ever...

Until you weren't.

"This is where you've been all night?" One very familiar voice asked from behind you.

Your heart dropped as soon as you heard a voice behind you. Your smile dropped from your face and you turned your head around, the one person you didn't expect to see was stood there in the entrance.

"Theodore." You quietly and softly spoke.

"It's six o'clock." Theo told you. "Blaise told me about your little conversation earlier in potions, how you told him to be at the tower at this time so you could talk."

"Fuck. I forgot about that." You swore.

"You arranged to meet Blaise? Why did you not tell me, Aria?" Fred asked you. "I could have cut this short and you could've left."

"He got caught up with his girlfriend and couldn't come, so he sent me." Theo said to you, ignoring Fred's voice and rolling his eyes at the boy.

"Girlfriend? Who?" You asked your friend.

"Pansy." He told you. "I'm gonna go, I did not mean to interrupt this... whatever the fuck is going in here."

Theodore turned his body around and began to walk out of the Gryffindor Tower.

"Theo, wait!" You exclaimed.

You jumped up from the floor, running after your friend and leaving Fred alone in the Tower. You didn't explain to Fred as you wanted to chase down Theo as soon as.

Theo had already started to walk down the stairs of the tower and headed to the floor of it. He was ignoring your calls for him to stop and continued to walk downstairs.

You finally caught up with him right as you reached the bottom of the tower. He sighed and hit his back against the wall, taking a deep breath as he looked down at you.

"You didn't want to fight for friendship, our friendship, then?" Theo asked you. "You just couldn't be bothered to show up and talk to Blaise? You haven't even tried with any of us, Aria!"

"I haven't tried? I haven't tried?" You asked him, your voice raising. "I have tried, Theo, I tried every day for a month straight! None of you would hear me out, none of you!"

"You may have tried with them, but you never once tried with me!" Theo shouted. "I am your best friend, and you didn't even try to fix this friendship."

"Believe me, Theo, I wanted to... but I just didn't know what to say to you." You said to him. "You've been by my side through all of this crazy shit that has happened to me, I didn't think you would want to for this, for my own brothers hating me."

"I would've done that, Aria, I would do anything for you and you know that." Theo reminded you, making you sigh.

You knew he was right so you didn't say a word, you both just took a short moment.

"Adrian has been there for me ever since you and I became friends. He has been the older brother that I never had, that my parents couldn't give me... he treats me like his baby brother and I see him as my big brother." Theo told you. "I love you, Aria, but I just couldn't sit there and pretend to be okay with what's happened because of how much I care for Adrian, too."

You didn't know what to say. You knew that he was in the right and you weren't at all.

"What Weasley did to him and why... that is not something you can easily forget." Theo said and you nodded your head. "Adrian was refusing to get help when he so clearly needed it, I'm still not sure if he is okay."

"I haven't seen him around... how does he look?" You asked your old best friend.

"Okay." He said. "His bruises are healed, so are his nose, jaw, and wrist. I always see him around and he puts on a brave face, but I know he misses you."

"I miss him, too." You admitted.

"Tell him that, then, not me." Theo said. "I am not the one who needs to hear that."

"I don't know how." You said. "I want to talk to him, I want to be okay with my big brother again, but I don't know where to even start apologising."

"Is this thing with Fred serious?" He asked.

"Kind of. I'm not sure, yet." You told him.

"Okay. So, start there." Theo said. "Start by telling Adrian about Fred, and go on from there."

Word Count : 1008

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