•Part four

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"Are you gonna be okay? Do you want me to stay here with you?" Adrian asked you.

"I'm okay, Adrian, thank you." You said to him and he smiled at you. "See you later."

"Come and find me if you need me." He said and then turned around, walking away.

You were left alone outside of the rather small compartment your friends were all sat in. You took a deep breath and pushed the door of the compartment open, all of your friends turning and looking at you.

Pansy smiled brightly and shuffled over so you could sit down, which you did. No one was talking and they were all looking at you with pity, especially Theodore.

"Okay." You sighed. "What do you want to know? Actually, what did Theo tell you?"

No one said a word still.

"Am I mute?" You asked your friends.

"No, you're not." Theo said and cleared his throat. "I told them that you and Grace have some history and she used to bully you, really badly."

"Anything else?" You asked him.

"Yeah. They all now know why you have those scars on your arms and legs." He said and you gulped.

All of your friends knew about your history with self-harm, but not with the eating disorder you developed. Only Pansy and Theo knew why you had been self-harming, but the rest of them didn't know the reason.

"Aria, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Draco said to you and he gave you a faint smile.

"It's okay, you didn't know." You said. "But look guys, I don't want you to not be friends with her just because of me-"

"Shut up, Aria." Mattheo rolled his eyes and let out a scoff. "She ruined your mental health, why would any of us be friends with her after that?"

"I love you guys." You said. "I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner."

"It's okay, hon." Pansy said and put her head on your shoulder. "This was a hard thing to have to tell them."

"Wait, you knew?" Blaise asked Pansy and she nodded her head. "What the hell! Why didn't you tell me, me of all people?"

"She's my girl, Blaise, I couldn't not tell her what happened." You said to him. "Sorry."

"It's okay, I guess." He shrugged and let out a laugh. "Are you okay though? Seriously..."

"I think so, yeah." You nodded.

"Good." Mattheo spoke.

You smiled at the boys and turned your head to look at Theo. He gave you a smile and then winked at you before all of you broke into random conversation.


You arrived at Hogwarts with your friends and you were all so ready for your fifth year at school. Hogwarts was your happy place and you were thrilled to be back for yet one more year.

Everyone dumped their trunks, bags and other luggage with Filch before taking the carriages to actual castle. On the way there, you all had a debate on wether or not some strange dragon-looking creatures were pulling the carriage.

You didn't see anything so you weren't quite sure what your friends were talking about.

"Who do you think the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher will be?" Mattheo whispered to you after nudging you gently.

"What do you mean the new one?" You asked him and looked at the boy speaking.

"Well, we've been here for five years now and every year we have a new teacher for some strange reason." He reminded you.

"Oh, yeah." You nodded your head. "Maybe it's another auror?"

"Really? That's a bit old for Dumbledore now, he probably wants to mix things up a little for fun." Mattheo said.

"That's true, he always does that." You said with a nodding of your head. "I don't know who it could be this year."

"May I remind you that the auror last year, wasn't actually an auror." Blaise spoke up as he threw his arm over your shoulder and walked next to both you and Mattheo.

"Oh, yeah! I forgot about that!" Mattheo said and nodded his head frantically.

"What do you mean?" You asked the two boys. "It was Moody, he's an auror."

"I mean, yeah, he is." Blaise nodded his head as well. "But it wasn't actually him who was our professor, it was Barty Crouch Junior. Remeber?"

"Oh, yeah!" You exclaimed. "How could I forget that? He was the reason Cedric died and the reason Harry won the tournament last year."

"Yeah, he was." Blaise said.

"Still totally unfair, if you ask me." Draco spoke from behind you and the two boys.

"Pipe down, Draco." Theodore said and gave him an eye roll.

"We'll find out who the new professor is at dinner, I guess." Blaise shrugged.

The six of you talked for a while on the way to the castle until you actually got there. As you were all getting up and joining the rest of the students into the castle, Pansy pulled you away from the rest of the group.

She linked her arm with yours and started to walk further behind to everyone else.

"How was Australia?" Pansy asked you.

"It was amazing, Pansy, you wouldn't believe how cool it was!" You exclaimed.

"I really want to go there but mum says we can't yet!" She groaned. "You need to show me a bunch of pictures later on."

"Don't worry, I will." You said. "My aunt made me a picture book of everything I saw when I was there, I'll show you it later."

"Good." She smiled at you.

The two of you walked, arm in arm, into the castle and you headed straight to the Great Hall for dinner. You joined back up with the rest of your friends and found the signature spot you always sit on at the Slytherin table.

"Have you heard anything from Alfie during the summer?" Blaise asked you as you sat down in front of him.

"Only a little bit, just one letter." You said with a sigh.

Word Count : 1012

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