•Part twenty six

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When you opened your eyes and woke up, you were half expecting your neck to be in so much pain from the position you were in all of last night. That wasn't the case at all, you were as comfortable as possible.

You opened your eyes and looked around at your surroundings. You saw a familiar red headed boy slowly creeping around the room and tidying it up, and that was when you finally realised where you were.

You were laying in the same bed as earlier, beds and other red furniture surrounding you. You knew that you were back in Fred Weasley's dorm, but you didn't know why.

"Oh, you're up." Fred said after turning his body around and looking at you. "Morning."

"Why am I back here?" You asked him.

"I went on a walk after you left here last night and I found you shivering in a corner of the corridor." He said to you. "I couldn't just leave you there to sleep in the cold all night long, so I carried you back here."

"I'm sorry." You said and sighed.

You got out of the bed you were in and took a few steps over to Fred. He still had no shirt on and was in the same pair of grey jogging bottoms as he was in last night, he still looked so good.

"Don't apologise, you don't have anything to be sorry for." Fred told you, looking down at you.

Your eyes flew up from his chest to his eyes as he spoke to you, which made him laugh.

"We shouldn't have done that last night, not if you've never done that." Fred said.

"It's not like we had sex, Fred, we were only kissing." You reminded him.

"A lot." He reminded you. "That kissing felt like it was gonna turn into sex."

"I know, but it didn't." You said. "And I think I'm good with that, I'm kind of glad it didn't turn into more than just kissing."

"I'm not sure if I should be offended by that or relieved..." Fred said quite quietly.

"It doesn't matter." You shook your head at him and took a couple of steps back. "It's a bit late, I should get going."

"Are you gonna try talk to your brothers and friends?" He asked you.

"I'm gonna try, but I'm not sure if they'll want to hear me out." You said with a sigh.

"If they don't, just come back here and you can stay here for a little while longer." Fred told you. "My boys won't care."

"Won't it look weird to them? A younger girl, a Pucey girl, sleeping in your bed?" You asked him and raised an eyebrow.

"They won't care." He repeated himself.

"Oh, okay." You said. "I should go, then."

"Okay." He said. "I'll see you around, yeah?"

"Yeah, you will." You said to him.

He took a step closer to you and you took one closer to him. The two of you were now stood by each other again and there was so much tension in the air.

Fred's hands slowly creeped onto your waist and you could feel your body being pulled against his ever so slowly. Your eyes fell to his lips from his eyes and his did the same.

"I have to go." You whispered to him.

His face was leaning even closer to yours than it was before. You could feel a red tint creeping up on your cheeks as you grew a lot more nervous as he got closer to you.

"I know you do." Fred quietly spoke to you.

You looked back up at his eyes and he did the same as you. You took a second to think about it, but you pressed your lips against his and he kissed you back straight away.

Your hands flew up to his neck to pull him down so you could deepen the kiss, which he happily agreed to. His hands gripped your hips and pulled your body toward him to sit right against his own body.

Your lips moved like clockwork on top of his lips and you loved it so much. He gently bit down on your bottom lip and your knees went weak as you let out a small moan.

"No, no!" You exclaimed and pulled right away from him, pushing him away. "We can definitely not do this again! I need to go!"

"Oh, Aria..." Fred laughed at you, his head shaking sideways as he chuckled.

You made sure you had all of your stuff before storming out of his dorm room. You were in shock and could not believe what you had been doing with him.

You only went to his dorm room last night because everyone was mad at you for being there with him in the first place. He was the only person you could go to, and you had no idea why, but he was.

You left his dorm room and headed right back to the Slytherin common room. You weren't sure if your friends and brother were going to be there or want to speak to you, but you needed to see them and talk to them all.

All you wanted was to explain what had happened with Fred, but your side of the story and not Grace's side. She had no idea what happened, only Fred and you did, so she had no right to show them the picture.

"Where were you last night?" One of your best friend's voices asked you the second you stepped foot into the common room.

"What?" You asked, looking around to find the boy that was speaking.

After a quick look around, you saw Theo stand up from the couch and walk straight over to you. He didn't say another word, he just threw his arms around you and hugged you tightly, you hugging him back.

"I was worried about you." Theo spoke. "I wanted to come and find you but I couldn't, where did you go?"

Word Count : 1008

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