•Part eighteen

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You and Blaise talked for a bit more before class finished and you had to go to the next one. After a full day of classes, you could finally relax in the common room with your friends.

You spent the rest of the day with them in the common room and then at dinner, then with Pansy and the other girls in your dorm room. You stayed up for most of the night talking before falling asleep in your bed.

You woke up and had to do the same thing as you did the day before, having breakfast and going to all classes. Instead of five lessons, you only had four as you had a free period last period.

During the free period, Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent went and hung out in the dorm whilst all of the boys went and practiced for an upcoming quidditch match. None of you girls were on the team, all of the boys were.

Instead of watching the boys practice for quidditch and hanging out with the other girls, you decided to go to the Gryffindor common room. You snuck in after hearing a boy in your year say the password loudly.

Not many people were in the common room but those who were looked very confused as to why a Slytherin was there. You did not care about all the looks you got, you just walked up to the dorm rooms.

The Gryffindor common room had a pretty similar setting to the Slytherin one, so you knew your way around quite well. You had found the boy dormitories and started to roam the halls for Fred Weasley's one.

Today was the arranged day that you would be tutoring him, so you managed to find his dorm room and you knocked on the door. It didn't take long for someone to answer, and when the door opened, Fred stood there.

"Hey." You said to him.

"You have books." Fred stated and his eyes trailed down to the books in your arms, lots of books. "Why do you have books?"

"Did you forget? I'm your tutor, we have a tutoring session today." You reminded him.

"Oh, I forgot about that." He said. "Come on in, it's just us two here today."

"Okay." You said to him.

Fred moved out of the way and you walked into his dormitory. You looked around and quickly noticed it was very similar to the boys dormitories in the Slytherin common room, just red instead of green.

"Make yourself at home." Fred told you.

You nodded your head and sat down on one of the beds closest to you, you didn't know whose bed it was and you didn't mind that.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked. "I've got anything, just name it."

"Waters fine, please." You said to him and he nodded his head.

"Coming right up." Fred spoke.

You watched as he walked over to a small fridge in the corner of the room, bending down and opening it. He got out two bottles of water and then stood back up straight, kicking the fridge door shut.

He threw you your bottle of water and you caught it, then he walked over and sat down next to you on the bed.

"So, what are we starting with?" He asked.

"Tell me what you struggle the most with and we can work from there." You told him.

"I'm amazing at everything." He said with a smug look on his face.

"Be serious about this, Weasley." You said and he laughed.

"I am being serious." He said. "There isn't anything I can't do."

You went to say something but Fred stopped you by taking your pile of books off of your lap. He put them down in his lap but looked at the top one, your notebook.

You had completely forgotten that you were communicating with Theo in class earlier by writing notes on paper and showing each other. You had been used that notebook that Fred was looking in.

Just as you realised what notebook it was, he flipped onto the page. You were going to snatch it out of his hands but he smirked and lifted it out of your reach. You sighed and couldn't do anything so you watched as he bought it back down to his lap to read it.

I punched Dean yesterday because he slept with Pansy and didn't tell me.

That's what I'm saying! He could have at least told me before coming into my room and almost fingering me.

Fred laughed and you sighed, throwing your head in your hands and hiding your red face. He grabbed ahold of your wrists and pulled them down so he could look at you whilst he spoke.

"Dean? Dean Thomas?" Fred asked you.

"Yes, Dean Thomas." You said with a groan.

"Dean Thomas fingered you?" He asked and you hesitated to nod your head but you did.

"Actually, he didn't really finger me, we got interrupted before he did." You said, kind of correcting yourself.

"Oh, wow." He gasped. "I didn't think you had it in you, Pucey."

"What do you mean by that? You didn't think a guy could like me?" You asked him.

"I know guys who like you, that's not what I meant at all." Fred said to you.

"Oh." You said. "Who likes me?"

"That doesn't matter." Fred spoke. "What does matter is your best friend having sex with some guy you've been fucking."

"Me and Dean never had sex." You told the boy. "We weren't fucking, and Pansy didn't know that we were a thing."

"He almost fingered you, though." He said.

"He almost did, yes." You said. "That does not mean we had sex, it was pretty much just making out and handjobs."

"You're giving me ideas, stop." He joked and it made both of you laugh. "Does he seem fazed about you punching him and breaking things off with him?"

"I don't really know, we don't have too many classes together this year." You said.

Word Count : 1011

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