•Part thirty one

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"What do you need to talk to me about and why in here?" You asked your brother.

"I think you know what we need to talk about, don't you?" Alfie raised an eyebrow.


"Tell me, then." Alfie told you. "Tell me why Adrian and Weasley were fighting. What was it about, Aria?"

"Me." You sighed. "It was about me, but you already know that."

"I do." He nodded his head. "What exactly was the fight about, though?"

"I just told you, me." You said.

"You know the real reason. Please, tell me what it is." Alfie told you once more.

"Me and Fred kissed, and Adrian took it the wrong way and thought he took advantage of me." You admitted to your brother. "They fought, Fred's in the hospital wing, and I don't know what happened to Adrian."

"Right. So, you went to see Fred and not your own brother, correct?" He asked you.

"What's the point in this?" You asked. "Why are you doing this, to torture me? To make me feel even worse than I already do? It's working, Alfie, well done! Can I leave now?"

"No, you can't." He said.

"Then, why am I here, and tell me the real reason." You demanded. "Alfie, tell me!"

You were beginning to get annoyed at your older brother. He wasn't telling you the real reason why he needed to talk to you, and it was annoying you.

Both you and him knew what happened and why the two boys had been fighting, so why was he doing this? He had no reason to. He knew that he had no reason to keep you there for any longer, he was trying to think of a reason, but couldn't.

At this point, you were completely fed up and wanted to leave.

"This is bullshit." You swore. "Unless you have a reason why I should stay here, I am leaving."

You rolled your eyes, a scoff leaving your lips as you shoved past your brother. Your hand fell down to the doorknob and opened the door, stepping outside.

As you went to walk away, your brother let out a sigh as he told you something.

"Adrian's refusing to go to the hospital wing but he has a broken nose and jaw." Alfie told you. "A fractured wrist, too."

Just from Alfie telling you that, it made you feel extremely guilty. You couldn't get any words out of your mouth and instead, you just continued walking.

You walked out of the broom closet and to the Slytherin common room. Now you knew what happened to your brother and where he was, and you didn't feel any better about the whole situation.

You knew that all of your friends would also know what happened to him and probably why they fought, which was any better. You already had people mad or upset at you, so them knowing what actually happened would just make them even madder at you.


You walked all the way to the common room and as soon as you stepped foot inside the room, it went silent. Heads turned to face you and they all looked so angry, even the people you hardly spoke to were mad.

Aaron and Andrew were stood around one of the couches, theirs and Adrian's friends stood with them. They moved out of the way and you saw who was on the couch.

Your older brother, Adrian.

He has blood stained all over his face and his hands, his nose was so obviously out of place and so was his jaw. He looked so bad and you couldn't help but feel even more guilty, if that was even possible.

"Get out." A girl spoke.

Your head turned to look at who it was that was speaking to you, Adrian's girlfriend.

Astoria Greengrass.

She looked so mad at you, but also upset.

"He doesn't want to see you and frankly, no one does." Astoria told you.

"Astoria, please." You pleaded. "I just want to see my brother. Please."

"No." She said. "You heard me the first time and I am not saying it again, now get out."

You went to speak but no words could leave your mouth. You felt that if you spoke, tears would spill out of your eyes instantly, so it would be best to stay silent.

You gave your brother's girlfriend a slight nod and slowly turned around. You walked out of the common room with everyone in there staring at you as you left.

The only thing you wanted to do was dig a hole in the ground and bury yourself alive, it would be better than staying here with a bunch of people hating you.

You didn't know where to go and you felt yourself going anywhere where there wasn't people. Somehow, you managed to find a place alone and that was the Gryffindor tower, an unusual place for a Slytherin.

You sat down on the edge of the tower and just looked at the view. The wind was cold and the sky looked like it was going to rain at any moment, which you didn't mind.

You let out a huge sigh and felt tears fall down your cheeks, but that was kind of expected because of everything that had happened. Tears were flowing down your face rapidly and you couldn't help it at all.

You were crying but heard a nose, so you turned your head right around and looked around the top of the Gryffindor tower.

"Looks like everyone hates you." She said.

You stood up from the edge of the tower, wiping your tears as you walked over to the girl stood in the middle of the tower. Her arms were crossed and she laughed at you when she saw the tears on your face.

"What do you want, Grace?" You asked her.

Grace Middleton let out a small chuckle.

"I want nothing with you." Grace said whilst laughing. "I just came to say what a shame, all of your friends and brothers hate you."

Word Count : 1012

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