•Part six

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Fred shut the door behind him and stood guard in front of the closed door. Your body turned around and you felt the tears filling up in your eyes yet again.

Grace was back. The same Grace who destroyed your life and turned lots of people against you for fun.

Seeing her and knowing she was now at the same school as you and in the same house group, it bought back all of the terrible memories you two had together.

The time she made a group of girls jump you, cut half of your hair, covered your hair in glue, threw mud in your face, made up lots of fake rumours about you, tried to drug you multiple times, and even worse.

She absolutely ruined your life and now she was in the same house at school with you, you had no idea what she was going to do.

All of these horrifying memories were now resurfacing and all of your emotions were coming back like old times. You were so mad but so upset and frustrated at the same time, you only thought of one thing to do.

You picked up all the random things that were scattered around the room, throwing them with all your might at the wall and the floor. That wasn't enough, you were even punching the walls and your attention was then drawn to a mirror stick to the wall.

Without thinking twice, you screamed your heart out and flew your fist against the wall mirror. Glass shattered everywhere, all over the floor and bits were on your knuckles.

It really hurt your hand to punch that glass mirror, and you hadn't even realised that your hand was now covered in blood. You looked down and parted your lips when you saw the amount of blood covering your fingers and knuckles.

"Fuck." You whispered. "Ow."

There was bits of glass in the cuts running along your knuckles and it stung so bad, it felt like you were going to cry. You knew that no one could see you like this, the only person you could think of to actually see you in this state, would be your brother.

You stepped over the broken glass and items scattered on the floor and you opened the closet door. Fred turned his head and he looked at you, turning his body with him.

"I need my brother. Can you please get him for me?" You asked the older boy.

"What one?" Fred Weasley questioned you.

"Aaron." You said he nodded his head.

"I'll be right back." Fred said and he took a few steps away from the closet door.

He disappeared around the corner and you stepped fully back into the closet, shutting the door behind yourself. You stepped back and stood against the wall, sliding your back down it and sitting on the floor.

Blood was running down your fingertips and dripping on the floor, and you had to try and contain your pain. It felt impossible to contain yourself, but you somehow managed to do so.

You bought your knees up to your chest and threw your head in between them, tears slowly and quietly falling down your cheeks as you squeezed your eyes shut.

As you were doing this, you heard the closet door open and shut. You didn't even bother to look up at who it was, you knew it was one of your brothers, Aaron.

Aaron knelt down to your side and with one hand, grabbed your head and picked it up to look at you. He looked you in the eye and his face fell slightly when he saw your tear stained cheeks and water filled eyes.

His eyes trailed down from your eyes and to your hand, his eyes widening and he gulped when he was the blood everywhere. He let out a sigh before gently bringing his hand down to pick yours up, very carefully.

You winced when he grabbed your beaten up hand in his, a tear shooting down your face and you sighed.

"I don't know what happened." You said to your older brother. "Aaron, I really don't knows what happened. One second I was walking out of the Great Hall, and the other I was punching that mirror! I-I don't know what happened or why I-"

"Be quiet, Aria." Aaron said to you. "I know that Grace is back and in Slytherin."

"W- How do you know that?" You asked.

"I saw her talking to you guys at the table, I knew I should have went over there but I saw your friends talking to her and I just thought it would be okay." He sighed. "Do you want me to help clean that hand up?"

"If you wouldn't mind." You nodded your head slowly.

"Let me find a first aid kit." He said and got up from the floor.

You watched him as he searched around the very messy room for a first aid kid to wrap and clean up your bloody hand. Luckily, he managed to find one and then sat back on the floor with you.

You two made conversation whilst Aaron cleaned your hand of the blood and then proceeded to wrap it up in bandages.

"It's your birthday tomorrow." Aaron said and you saw a smile on his face. "What do you want to?"

"I was just thinking me and Theo could have a chilled birthday this year, nothing too big." You shrugged your shoulders.

You and Theo not only have known each other for ages, but you also happen to share the exact same birthday.

"Are you serious? You always want to do something huge for your birthday! I know Theo always does, at least." Aaron said.

"I'm just not feeling it this year." You said with a sigh. "We haven't heard much from Alfie and I'm worried about him, and now Grace is back so I don't think it's the best for me to have a huge birthday this year."

"That's too bad, because me and the boys have already planned you and Theo one of the most perfect birthdays yet." Aron said and a smile appeared on his face.

Word Count : 1036

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