•Part twenty three

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After leaving Fred's dorm and running into Harry, you made your way back down to the Slytherin common room. You walked in and immediately saw a group of people together and talking, a group of people you never wished to see talk to each other like that.

All four of your brothers were sat down on the couches with all five of your friends, as well as your other two dorm mates, were also with someone else. All of them were sat down with Grace, talking to her.

You didn't know what you had just walked into but all of them were gathered around a small thing in Grace's hand. You coughed to let them know that you were stood there, and all of their heads slowly turned around.

Each of your brothers looked so mad and you had no idea why. Your friends looked quite upset and mad, but definitely not as much as your four brothers were. You then looked at Grace, she had a smug smirk laid on her lips and it made you gulp.

Your brother, Adrian, stood up from the couch and you saw what Grace was holding in her hand. Your heart dropped when you saw what she was holding.

"Care to explain why you were making out with the guy I hate?" Adrian asked you.

The item that Grace was holding was the small Polaroid picture of you and Fred making out on his bed. His hand was held onto your neck and the kiss looked so passionate just from a small glance.

No words left your mouth.

"Are you deaf?" Adrian questioned.

No words left your mouth yet again.

"Hello?" He asked you once more.

"Adrian, go easy on her." Alfie spoke from his seat on the couch. "It's just a bit of harmless young love-"

"Oh, fuck no." Adrian swore. "There is absolutely no way in hell I would let my baby sister love that fucking weasel."

"Your baby sister in question is standing right behind you!" You shouted at Adrian to get his attention back. "You don't get the right to tell me who I can and cannot love."

"So, you're saying you love this guy?" He questioned you after turning back to you.

"No, I am not! I am just saying that if I do, you can't decide for me that I should break up with him because you do not like this boy." You told him.

"Did you do more than kiss him?" Your second eldest brother questioned you.

"And if I did?" You asked him.

"Don't fuck around. Did you?" He asked.

"No. I didn't." You told your brother. "Fred and I didn't have sex, it was just a stupid kiss and I don't know why you are making a huge deal about this, there's no need."

"Because you've had your fucking tongue in my enemy's mouth, why would I not make a big deal about that?" Adrian questioned.

"Because you don't get to control my love life." You said with a laugh leaving your lips as you spoke.

"Aria, Adrian, just leave it alone for a little while." Aaron said and he stood up from the couch. "It's late, we're all really tired, and I am sure you two don't want to ruin each other's nights with this stupid thing."

"I'm not the one ruining anything, it's him who is making this into something which it doesn't need to be!" You raised your voice a bit, looking into Adrian's eyes as you did so.

"Enough!" Alfie shouted and jumped up off of the couch. "Adrian, go to your dorm now and calm yourself down. Aria, go to your dorm with your friends and go to bed, it's getting late. We can talk about this in the morning but I think you are right, Aria, I do not think Adrian should me making this into a bigger deal than what it should be, so just go to bed, all of you!"

Everyone was silent but all of you started to slowly and awkwardly stand up or move away from the couches. Adrian had walked off with his friends and was still really mad at you, and Alfie was slumped back down on the couch.

Aaron and Andrew were talking to their friends quietly and then they all made their way back to their dorm room. Your boys also did this, saying goodnight to you and your girls before leaving for bed.

You were now left in the silent common room with yourself, Grace, Pansy, Daphne, Millicent, and your eldest brother, Alfie. He was sat down on the couch and Grace was also sat down, a smirk on her lips.

"You couldn't have just kept that picture a secret, no?" You asked Grace and she gave you a shrug of her shoulders. "You are such a bitch, I don't know why I was ever friends with you."

"Maybe because you were a loner and I felt sorry for you." Grace said and laughed right in your face. "And now you're going to be all alone again because your friends and your brothers hate you for this. What a shame."

"No, they don't." You said and looked past her and over at your girl friends.

None of the girls said a word.

You knew that they were mad at you, which meant the boys were mad at you, too, and so were your four brothers.

You didn't know what to do, Grace had now officially ruined everything.


"Are you guys seriously mad at me for this, I didn't even do anything wrong!?" You said and pushed Grace out of the way.

Grace rolled her eyes and let out a scoff as you pushed her out of the way.

"You kissed a Weasley." Pansy sighed. "Did you forget the pact we made at the start of last year?"

You and your friends made a pact to never go out with a Weasley or even like one of them because they were blood traitors. You thought it was utter rubbish and didn't ever agree to go along with the stupid pact.

"That wasn't serious, though. None of us actually agreed to it and all of us thought it was a stupid joke, which it was." You said.

"I think you should sleep somewhere else tonight, Aria." Pansy told you. "I'm sorry."

"What... Pansy." You said and she just shook her head and walked away with both Millicent and Daphne.

You were left stood alone in the common room, watching as your best friend walked away from you. Grace winked at you and followed behind Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent with a smirk on her face.

Word Count : 1117

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