•Part twenty nine

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Your brother didn't give you a chance to say another word before he gently shoved you back into the crowd of people. You wanted to stay there and see what was happening with your brother, but you got lost in the huge crowd and couldn't see anymore.

You sighed and turned around, pushing your way through the crowd. You pushed past and managed to find your friends once again.

"Aria." Theodore spoke.

He walked up to you and threw his arms around you. You didn't move, you didn't hug your best friend back. You were still in shock at what you just witnessed, you were basically frozen in stop.

"Aria, are you okay?" Theo asked you.

He removed his arms from around you and looked down at you. He put his arm over your shoulder and pulled you close to him.

"Of course she's not okay, she just saw her brother get beat up!" Blaise exclaimed. "I say we go back to the common room."

"That's a good idea." Draco said.

"Theo, Aria, come on." Mattheo said. "It's no use staying down here just to find out he is going to the hospital wing, we all know that he will be, anyway."

"Don't say that, Mattheo, don't give Aria all these ideas." Theo told him. "She doesn't need to be thinking of that right now."

"I'm sorry, but it's the truth! I saw what he looked like, there is no way Adrian won't be in the hospital wing after that." He said.

All boys started to shout at each other and you didn't want to be there anymore. Pansy was stood by Blaise's side and she wasn't saying anything either, but she hadn't even looked at you all night.

You had no idea why she wasn't talking to your or even looking at you, and you knew she wouldn't tell you any time soon.

With all the boys still shouting at each other and Pansy standing there silently, you really didn't want to be there anymore. You snuck away from Theodore's side and just walked away.

Nobody noticed because they were all too busy arguing, but you walked right out of the Great Hall. You had no idea what you were doing, all you knew was where you were going and who you wanted to see.

"Hey." You said.

"Aria Pucey, my favourite person right about now." He sarcastically said to you.

You walked into the hospital wing and went straight over to his bed. You stood by his side and didn't speak for a moment, looking at him and examine his wounds covering most of his face.

"I'm sorry." You said to him. "Fred, I am so sorry."

"Calm down, darling, you have nothing to be sorry for." Fred Weasley told you.

No one else was in the hospital wing, it was only you and Fred Weasley. You had no clue why you chose to come to the hospital wing and see Fred, you just did.

"What was the fight about?" You asked him.

"You." Fred said, a chuckle following.

"It was my fault, then." You sighed.

"No, it wasn't." He said. "It was mine and your brothers fault. It was the pictures fault and not yours, I promise."

You didn't believe him when he said that.

"Come here, Aria." He said.

You were stood quite a few steps away from his hospital bed. Fred sat up in his bed and moved his body even closer to yours, and it looked like it hurt him to do that.

He winced as he shuffled his body to the edge of the bed he was sat in. You took those few steps closer to the bed and were now standing right by the edge of it.

"Where does it hurt?" You asked the boy.

"Where doesn't it hurt?" He said with a fake laugh. "Sit down."

"I can't." You said.

"Why not?" Fred asked you. "I want you to."

"I shouldn't be here." You said.

You turned around to walk away and leave but Fred grabbed your hand and stopped you from leaving. You turned back around and looked down at the boy sat on the bed below you.

"I want you here." Fred said, looking up at you and your eyes locked with his.

His thumb stroked the back of your hand that was sat in his, which made you smile a bit. He smiled at the sight of the small smile creeping up on your lips, and it only made you smile even more.

Fred chuckled at you and then grabbed ahold of your other hand. He pulled you into the hospital bed with him. He sat back and relaxed his body before pulling you properly onto him.

He moved his hands from yours and they fell down to your waist, guiding you onto his lap. You straddled his thighs and were now looking right into his eyes.

"Hi." You said to him.

"Hey." He smirked at you.

Your faces were quite close to each others and there was a lot of tension in the air.

"I'm glad you're here." He said. "I'm glad you came to see me."

"You got beat up by my brother for doing nothing, why wouldn't I come and see you, I had to make sure you were okay." You said.

"Doing nothing, huh?" He asked and raised an eyebrow at you. "I don't think we did nothing, Pucey, do you?"

"Not really, no." You said. "We did a bit more than nothing."

"I know." He said. "I wanna do nothing. I want to do nothing with you again."

You knew what he was talking about and deep down you knew you wanted to do the same, but you couldn't. You just couldn't do that to your brother, not after he just got in a fight with him.

You couldn't do it.

But you wanted to.

So bad.

What else could happen if you just gave in and kissed him? Nothing worse could happen, right?

"Aria." Fred said. "Look at me."

Word Count : 1010

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