•Part twenty two

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TW : talk about suicide attempt

You walked all the way to Fred's dorm with your bag of books on your shoulder and lots of thoughts rushing through your mind. All you could think of was Fred and Grace, the stuff your brothers and friends were saying and what could happen with him.

All the way to his dorm room, that was all you could think about. You couldn't believe that Adrian was about to say that story about you and Grace. You told him that and thought he would never tell anyone, clearly you thought wrong.

One day, when Grace and you had already broken off your friendship, she was with a group of her new friends and they were all tormenting you for fun. Grace thought it would be the best idea to buy and give you a knife set. She told you to use them to slit your wrists and kill yourself.

Little did she know, later that day you did try to do what she said and you used those knives to try and commit suicide. Luckily, Adrian found you and he used magic to save your life, and he stayed by your side for at least a week after that day.

You made him promise you to never tell anyone what happened that day, not even your brothers and you dad. You thought he wouldn't have broken that promise, but he pretty much did today.

"Oh, hey." Fred said after you knocked on his dorm door. "I forgot you were coming."

"It's Friday, we arranged for me to tutor you every Friday." You reminded him.

"Oh, right." He remembered. "Can you just give me a minute? Sorry."

"Yeah, sure. I'll wait out here." You said.

Fred shut his door and you lent against the wall whilst you waited for him to do what it was he was doing. After a minute or two, the door opened again and he walked out.

You stood up straight from the wall and went to walk into his dorm, but someone walked out so you couldn't go in. Walking out of Fred's dorm room was Grace.

"Hey, girl." Grace said and she winked at you as she walked out of the dorm. "Sorry to keep him for so long, he's all yours."

You were speechless.

"I'll come by your dorm later." Fred said to her and she smiled.

"I can't wait." Grace said, grinning.

You watched as she lent in to give Fred a kiss on the lips, but he dodged her kiss and she had to kiss his cheek instead. He looked really awkward when she did this and she played it of well by laughing and walking away after.

Fred let you into his dorm without a word and you couldn't help but laugh, so you just rolled your eyes and walked in whilst still laughing. He was confused why you were laughing but didn't say anything.

Fred only said something when you had sat down on his bed and still hadn't stopped giggling over what has just happened.

"What's so funny?" Fred asked you.

"You fucking hate her." You creased.

"What? No, I don't." He shook his head.

"Yes, you do." You said and still could not contain your laughter. "The look on your face and dodging her kiss, you definitely hate her guts, Weasley!"

"If you're just gonna disrespect my girlfriend, you can leave." He said to you.

"Girlfriend? You can't be serious." You said and looked up at him, he was serious.

"Grace is my girlfriend and if you have a problem with that, leave." He said. "You shouldn't even have a problem with that."

"Does she know about what happened with me and you last week?" You asked him and he didn't say a word. "That's what I thought. Maybe take a minute to tell your girlfriend that you were getting hard on top of her enemy last week, and then tell me to leave your dorm room."

"You are in my dorm room, so why do you keep on being so rude?" Fred asked.

"Your girlfriend is a bitch, I really do hope you know that." You told him.

"She isn't a bitch." He said. "How would you even know? She doesn't know you."

"Oh, so you two talk about me?" You asked.

"You don't come up a lot." He said and leant against the wall.

"But I come up enough?" You asked and he didn't say a word, so you knew the answer of your question. "That's what I thought."

"Get out, just get out." He said and pointed towards the door, making you laugh.

"No." You said. "You won't tell me to get out when I have to be in here tutoring you, did you forget that McGonagall said so?"

"Come back tomorrow then, I don't want to see you right now." He said and you rolled your eyes at him.

"Gosh, you are such a baby." You said and got up from his bed. "I am here to try and help you get better grades so you won't be kicked off of the quidditch team, try to treat me with at least some respect tomorrow."

You grabbed ahold your bag and walked past Fred, brushing his arm with yours as you walked past him. You rolled your eyes as you left his dorm room and then walked right down to the common room.

"Oh, hey, Aria." Harry Potter spoke after you accidentally bumped into him.

"Sorry, Harry. Hey." You spoke.

"I haven't seen you in ages, how are you doing, how was your summer?" He asked.

"Actually, really good, thanks." You said to him. "I spent the summer visiting family in Australia. How was your summer?"

"It was okay, the Weasleys and Hermione stayed at my godfathers house with me, it was so fun." He said with a smile.

"It sounds really fun. Where are Ron and Hermione?" You asked and looked around the boy. "I feel like their always glued to your side and today they aren't."

"I think their in my dorm, that's where I'm headed now." He said.

"I won't keep you then." You said. "Tell them I say hey. It was good seeing you, Harry."

"You, too, Aria." He said. "Have a good day."

"You, too." You said.

Word Count : 1055

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