•Part thirty four

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"Where are we going, Fred?" You asked him as he dragged you through the hallway.

"It's Autumn, right?" Fred questioned.

"Correct." You said. "I knew you needed to be tutored, but I didn't think you were that dumb."

"I'm choosing to ignore that." Fred spoke.

He continued to pull you along with him and you had no clue where he was taking you. You didn't fight it and just let him take you somewhere.

After a short while of walking and not knowing the destination, Fred finally let go of your hand and you two were there. You had a look around the room you two were in and you felt happier already.

You two were at the top of the Gryffindor Tower. In the middle of the room, there was a table and two chairs on either side of that table. Candles were lit around and there were two wine glasses, plates and cutlery.

"I haven't heard from you for weeks." Fred stated. "That hurt, Aria."

"I left things with you badly, I didn't know what to say to you." You said.

"You could've said anything. Anything, and I would have listened." He said.

"I'm sorry." You sighed.

"It's okay." Fred said. "You can make up for it. Sit."

You and Fred walked over to the table and both pulled out a chair, sitting down across from each other. Your eyes scanned the table and although you were happy, you were also so confused.

"What is this?" You asked the boy sat on the other side of the table to you.

"Our first date." Fred told you.

"You never asked me on a date." You said.

"You never gave the chance to." He said and a smile creeped up on his lips. "I figured, why not surprise you with the best date you have ever had?"

"I've never been on a date before." You said, a huge smile forming on your face.

"Dean never took you out?" He asked.

"We never went public, he didn't want to, so we never went out together." You said. "I wanted to... but he didn't."

"I would have taken you out to Diagon Alley or somewhere fancy like that, but I didn't think you wanted to be seen out in public with me just yet." Fred told you. "I mean, after everything that happened... it's not the best idea in the world to go public."

"Yeah, you were right." You said. "Fred, I wish you would've told me about this, I'd have changed into something nicer if I had known."

"I think what you're wearing now is perfect, anything looks good on you." He said.

"Sweats and a stained shirt?" You asked, a laugh leaving both yours and his mouth.

You looked down at the stained long sleeve shirt and the jogging bottoms you had on, a chuckle leaving your mouth.

"Especially sweats and a stained shirt." He chuckled with you.

Fred looked into your eyes as you laughed, a smile still on his lips. He reached over the table and grabbed ahold of your hand, his thumb stroking the back of it.

You looked up and made eye contact with the boy sat across from you. You smiled along with him and the two of you stayed like that for a short moment.

"You look really pretty." Fred truthfully told you, making you smile even more.

"You look handsome, Fred." You told him and he smiled back at you again. "What do you have in mind for tonight?"

"Me and you, early dinner, and we can set some stuff up here to watch the sunset and the stars at night." He said to you.

"That sounds perfect." You exclaimed.

You had never been on a date before but you sure did dream about them. Your ideal first date was having a perfect dinner with your date, and you two would spend the whole night walking around town in the dark together.

You would always think of ideal situations that you never thought you would be in, but it turns around you would have a first date and it seemed pretty perfect to you.

"It's only 2 o'clock, though. We can't have dinner now, it'll be too early." You stated.

"Oh, right, I forgot the time for a moment there." Fred realised. "Come on, then."

"Where to?" You asked the boy.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to you, holding his hand out for you to take and you did. Fred pulled you up and took you somewhere new, hand in hand again.

You two walked down the stairs of the tower together, Fred not saying a word about where you were going now no matter what you asked him. You started to laugh and he began laughing with you.

Fred took you all the way out of the tower and started heading towards the black lake for some strange reason. You had no clue why he was taking you here, it was freezing cold and you had no swimming costumes.

"Fred, why are we here?" You asked him.

He let go of your hand the second you and him reached the black lake. No one else was around and it was just the two of you.

"You said you didn't want an early dinner and you're right, it is really early." He said to you. "So, let's waste some time. Jump in with me?"

"I am not jumping in, it's gonna be so cold and I don't have anything to wear." You reminded him.

"You've got sweats and your stained shirt, just wear those." Fred shrugged at you. "Or, you can get undressed like I am going to."

He didn't say another word to you before he grabbed the edge of his shirt and pulled it over his head. You turned around and saw him standing there, completely shirtless.

Fred looked at you, keeping eye contact with you whilst he pulled his trousers down to the floor. He kicked them off, then took his shoes and his socks off too.

Fred stood there in just his boxer shorts and...

Oh my...

Word Count : 1025

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