•Part three

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TW : talk about self-harm and eating disorders - starving yourself

You walked off with nobody following after you. You didn't know where you were going to go, but you didn't want to sit in that compartment with everyone feeling sorry for you because of what Theo told them.

You couldn't be sure of what story he told the rest of your fitness, but it definitely was not a good one. Only him and Pansy, other than your brothers, knew about your history with Grace and you didn't want the rest of your friends to find out.

You knew they were going to look at you differently now, you hated it.

"Hey, you lost?" An unfamiliar voice asked from behind you after you walked past the boy. "You need some help?

You turned around to look at who it was and saw a red head boy sat there. He was holding some kind of toy, it looked really weird. You had seen him around school before and you knew he was in the same year as your eldest brother, Adrian.

He definitely wasn't friends with your brother because he was wearing Gryffindor robes and your brother hated Gryffindors in his year.

"No, I'm not lost." You said. "Actually, do you have any idea where my brother is?"

"I have no idea who your brother is, maybe start with that." The red head boy spoke.

"Shit, sorry." You swore. "Adrian Pucey."

"Oh. You're the Pucey girl." He said and sat up straight, still looking at you.

"My names Arianna." You told him.

"You know, I've heard some stories about you from my brother." He said and stood up from the chair he was sat on.

"Oh, yeah? Who's your brother?" You asked and already knew the answer.

"Ron Weasley, perhaps you know him." He said and you nodded your head. "I'm Fred, come on, I'll help you find your brother."

"Thanks, Fred." You said to him.

Fred Weasley took you around the train to look in compartments for any one of your brothers, specifically Adrian.

"Do you not have any friends?" The older boy asked you.

"Yeah, I do." You said. "I just don't want to see them right now."

"Oh, okay." Fred said. "That's him, right?"

"Where?" You asked, looking around.

"In that compartment up there." He said and pointed into a compartment full of boys. "Oh yeah, that is him."

"Yeah, it is." You nodded your head.

Fred nodded and he stepped forward and pushed the compartment door open, all the boys sat inside turning to look at him. Your oldest brother gave Fred a dirty look and he immediately opened his mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Adrian asked the boy stood in front of you. "What do you want, Weasley?"

"I just wanted to be helpful and help a little girl find her big brother." Fred said in a mocking voice. "I've got your sister."

Adrian immediately stood up and he took a step over to Fred, looking him in the eye and shoving him out of the way. You were stood behind him and was now stood next to him, as Fred had been pushed to the side.

"Ari, what happened?" Adrian asked you.

"They all know about Grace." You said and he sighed, putting his hand on your arm.

"Who's Grace?" Fred spoke up from behind you and Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Thanks for getting her here, Weasley, now fuck off." Adrian said and pulled you into the compartment, slamming the door in Fred's face.

"I was okay with Pansy and Theo knowing, but not everyone else." You sighed to him.

"Boys, give us a minute." Adrian turned his body around and said to his friends.

Awkwardly but quickly, all of his friends stood up and excused themselves. Now it was just you and Adrian left in the compartment.

He sat you down on one of the seats and he sat across from you, listening to you.

"What do they know about her?" He asked.

"I have no idea." You said truthfully. "I do not know if they know about her cutting my hair in half, or making a group of girls jump me, or making me start cutting and starving my-"

"Arianna..." Adrian softly said.

You stopped talking when you noticed what you had said and his facial expressions.

When Grace had been bullying you for quite some time and you couldn't handle it, you felt the only way to deal with what she was saying, was to self-harm. You would cut and burn yourself until you passed out, and it was absolutely horrible.

Your father and brothers all knew about it and they never realised it was that bad, not bad enough to send you away. After one day when it got really bad, your father was considering sending you to a psych ward.

You never ended up going but somehow, she found out about this almost trip to the hospital and continued to make you life a living hell. She would tease you about it and make constant jokes.

Then, Grace thought it would be hilarious to start commenting on your body. She never shut up about how you could be a bit skinnier and no man would ever like your body. It got so bad that you started to starve yourself and count calories.

"I don't want you to start doing that again now that she's here." Adrian said to you.

"I won't, Adrian." You told him and he did not look convinced. "I promise I won't."

"You come to me if you even think of doing that again, yeah?" He said and leaned over, grabbing your hand with comfort.

"I will, I swear." You said to your brother.

"Good." He said. "Now, do you want me to walk to back to your friends now that you've calmed down a bit?"

"Um, yeah." You hesitated to say. "If that's okay with you."

"Of course it's okay with me." Adrian said with a chuckle and dropped your hand.

You two stood up and Adrian led you out of the compartment, taking you back down to the one your friends were gathered in.

Word Count : 1035

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