•Part eleven

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Theo and you talked in his bed for around an hour before the rest of the boys started to slowly wake up in their own beds. Once they were all awake, they wished you both a happy birthday and started talking to you.

As the five of you made conversation in the beds, the door opened and all of your heads turned to look at who it was. Pansy stood in the doorway and she stepped foot into the actual dorm, shutting the door behind her.

"So, this is where you all went?" She asked and she walked into the dorm properly.

"I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful." You joked.

"You should've woken me up the second you did, it's your birthday!" She said with a smile as she walked over to Blaise's bed. "Is it okay if I sit here?"

"It would be my pleasure." Blaise said and he moved his legs so Pansy could sit down.

She sat down on his bed and leaned back, her arms resting on Blaise's legs and she faces Theo and you.

"Happy birthday to you two." Pansy said to both you and Theodore.

"Thanks, babe." You smiled at her.

"Thank you, Parkinson." Theo winked at her. "So, when's the party?"

"Party? What party?" Draco asked and he tried to discreetly give Theo a look.

"Draco, you do know I can see that look on your face, right?" You asked him and slowly his cheeks grew red.

"Don't worry, she knows about the party that's been planned." Theo told them all.

"Good, so we can talk about it as much as we like?" Mattheo asked him.

"Yeah, we can." Theo spoke with a nod. "I told her about it earlier, she knows."

"Okay, good." Blaise spoke.

For a while, you six talked about the plans for yours and Theo's birthday until all of you grew hungry. Collectively, you decided to go down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

When you got down there, you sat in your usual spot next to Pansy and Theo again.

"There she is!" Andrew shouted.

"Our birthday girl!" Adrian yelled.

"Happy birthday, little sis." Aaron said with a raised voice.

All three of your brothers practically ran to the table and greeted you. Aaron handed you a bouquet of flowers from the three of them, your favourite flowers, white roses.

Each of your brothers wished you a happy birthday and said they would see you later at your party and that your presents were already in your dorm room. You had no clue when they put your presents there, but they must have done it in secret.

Once you and Theo had gotten wished a happy birthday, the three of your brothers left and went to sit with their own friends at the other end of the table. You went on and carried your conversation with your friends, eating breakfast and laughing a lot.


Your birthday flew by and before you knew it, the time came for yours and Theo's sixteenth birthday party. You got ready with Pansy, Daphne and Millicent in your dorm room, singing and having lots of fun.

You were dressed in quite a casual outfit for the night, a pair of blue ripped jeans and a simple green crop top. Pansy was wearing the same but a pair of black jeans instead of blue jeans, which were super cute.

Millicent and Daphne were both wearing a skin tight dress, green and black dresses with matching shoes and bags. Your hair and your makeup was done, so were the girls, and you were ready.

All four of you were finally ready to leave the dorm room and go down to the main common room for the party. You weren't exactly sure who was going to be there, but you did have a pretty good idea.

"Come on, let's go down." Pansy spoke and she opened the door for the four of you.

All four of you walked out of the dorm room and walked down the hallway. You four made your way down to the common room and as soon as you stepped into the hall, you heard loud voices, singing, and music.

You smiled as soon as you heard how much fun everybody was already having, and then actually took a step onto the stairs. Pansy and the other two girls let you walk down the stairs first so you could be the first out of the small girl group to get to the party.

Someone noticed you coming down the stairs and coughed to get everyone's attention.

"Excuse me, everybody!" Theo exclaimed and he ran over to the stairs you were on. "I would like to make a toast!"

"Oh, Theo-" you said but he put a finger on your lips to shut you up.

Everyone on the room was now quiet and looking over at you, Theo, Pansy, Millicent and Daphne by the statues. Theo took your hand and picked it up, his other hand holding a red cup high up in the air.

All the other people in the room, which was a lot of people, held their own drinks and cups up in the air just like Theo had done.

"I just want to say happy birthday to one of my favourite people on planet earth, one of the loveliest ladies on this world, and the funniest..." Theo spoke. "Aria Pucey!"

Yelling and an applause broke out for you and you felt like crying because of how sweet his little message was. All drinks were raised down and conversation slowly filled the room once again.

"Oh, Theo." You said with a huge smile. "I don't know what to say... that was so sweet of you!"

"I know." He said and he helped you down the last few steps. "Honestly though, you really are the best girl I have ever met."

"Don't tell the other guys, but you have always been my favourite." You said to your best friend. "Now give me a hug, Theo."

Word Count : 1011

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