•Part twenty one

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A week flew by and it was now a Friday, and that meant you had meet Fred to tutor him again. Last time you went to tutor him, no tutoring actually got done and you two ended up heavily making out on his friends bed before they walked into his dorm room.

You hadn't seen or heard from Fred since that moment in his dorm, so you weren't sure if you were still tutoring him later on.

"Hey, do you wanna go somewhere later with me?" Your eldest brother asked you.

"I thought you had that meeting with Dumbledore later?" You asked him.

Your brother, Alfie, had been staying on an old mattress in Adrian's room for the past week that he's been at Hogwarts. Since he could not be a student at Hogwarts due to his age, he wanted to get a job here.

Dumbledore know about Alfie being here and staying at your other brother's room, but he hadn't taken action just yet. He had yet to sort out a meeting with him, which just so happened to be later tonight.

Or so you thought.

"Actually, that was this morning when all of you were in classes." Alfie told you.

"Oh, really? How did that go?" You asked.

"I now have a job here!" He exclaimed and a huge smile creeped up on your face. "I am now Hagrid's assistant!"

"No shit, really?" You asked, your voice raised quite loudly. "Oh, my god, Alfie!"

"I get to stick around here for a little while longer and they've already built a place for me down by Hargid's place!" He shouted.

You jumped out of your seat in the common room and threw your arms around your big brother. He hugged you back straight away as you squealed with absolute happiness.

"I can't believe this, are you actually being serious?" You asked him, pulling away from his arms with a massive smile on your lips.

"What's going on over here?" One of your other brothers asked you, it was Adrian.

"Alfie has a job with Hagrid and soon to be a place by his!" You exclaimed.

"What? Are you kidding?" Adrian said and he looked back and forth between Alfie and you, finally noticing you weren't kidding. "I don't know what to say, Alfie, you finally have a job here!"

"Does this mean you aren't going back to the army?" One of Adrian's friends asked.

"I want to keep that part of my life in the past." Alfie spoke. "It was hell over there and I never wish to go there ever again."

You, your two brothers, and a few of your brother's friends, talked for a while about Alfie getting a job and what his life was like in war. Your friends and the the twins joined you and all of you talked.

Before you knew it, Alfie was telling stories about his time at war and almost everyone in the common room was sat around all of you and listening in on his stories. All of his stories were crazy and nobody could believe that they were true, but they actually were.

"I should probably get going, I have to be somewhere." You told your friends and your brothers.

"Where?" Draco asked you.

"Yeah, you did this last week as well and came back with a red neck." Pansy said and everybody looked shocked.

When you walked back into your dorm after that day with Fred and saw Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent, you didn't tell them what had actually happened. All you told them was that nothing happened and they shouldn't make a big deal out of the situation.

You also made them promise to not tell any of your brothers or other friends about you coming home with a red neck. Pansy forgot about this and as soon as she said it, her hands flew up to her mouth with regret.

"Red neck? What?" Aaron asked.

"Is someone hurting you, or is that from something else?" Andrew also asked you.

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Alfie asked.

"Who is it?" Adrian was quick to ask you.

"No one, nothing happened!" You were also quick to say. "I'm not getting hurt, my neck wasn't red because of any other reason, and I didn't tell you what happened because I knew all of you would make this into a huge deal when it definitely doesn't need to be."

"Aria, did you have a red neck?" Theo asked you and you sighed, shaking your head. "If that's true, then why are you all making a big deal about this?"

"Because she's my baby sister and if some guy is hurting her then I need to know about that!" Adrian explained.

"Nobody is hurting me, Adrian, I promise you I am fine." You said to him.

"Is it that bitch, Grace?" He ignored your words and questioned you.

"No, it's not Grace." You said.

"When was the last time you saw her, is she still giving you a hard time?" Aaron asked.

"I haven't seen her for about a week, we do not have many classes together and hardly ever bump into each other." You said to one of your older brothers. "Anyways, Grace wouldn't go so far to strangle somebody."

"Are you fucking with us?" Theo asked you in a serious way. "Yes, she would. She got a group of people to jump you and that could have put you in the hospital!"

"Are you forgetting the time that she gave you a set of knives to-" Adrian was saying but you immediately cut him off.

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence because that was private!" You shouted at him. "I told you that with confidence that you wouldn't tell anyone, Adrian."

"Aria, I'm sorry-" he went to say.

"Just leave me alone. You don't ever get to tell anyone that story, that is my story to tell." You said to your older brother. "I have somewhere to be, excuse me."

Nobody went to talk because they could all clearly tell that you were beginning to get upset. Instead of speaking, everybody sat back and watched as you left the common room with your bag of books in your hand.

Word Count : 1045

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