•Part eight

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"I was the one who had the idea!" Theo said with a laugh.

"Oh, you idiot!" You exclaimed and gave Theo a playful slap on the arm.

"Look! Someone's got a Howler!" A voice shouted from the Gryffindor table as many different owls came flying into the hall.

Every year on the first day of school, Dumbledore allows all of the owls to fly into the Great Hall and deliver everybody their mail already. He does this monthly and it just so happens to be on the first every month, this month being the day before your birthday.

You looked up to scan your eyes for your family owl, and then saw it drop down some mail in front of the three of your brothers. It quickly flew down the table and before you knew it, something dropped down and landed on your empty dinner plate.

You smiled as the owl flew away and out of the hall, then you looked down. On your plate was a Howler and you immediately knew who it was from. A huge smile appeared on your face as you picked the Howler up.

Everyone's attention was glued to you as you started to open your Howler.

"Hey, Aria, you get a Howler?" Your brother Andrew asked from further away on the table.

"Yeah!" You shouted back at him. 

"No, don't open it!" Andrew shouted.

You got confused but quickly stopped opening the Howler you received. Andrew stood up from his section of the table and made his way over to you. He stood in front of you and you turned around to face him.

"It's the day before your birthday and this Howler is most likely from Alfie. Don't you think it could be something for your actual birthday?" Andrew asked you.

You hadn't thought of that possibility.

"Oh." You said. "I didn't think about that."

"Yeah." Andrew nodded. "Don't open it today, open it in the morning when we're all in the common room with you."

"Fine." You rolled your eyes.

"Good." He said and stood up straight.

Andrew turned around and walked back to his section of the Slytherin table, sitting back down with his friends and his twin brother. You turned back and put your Howler back down on the plate with a few other letters you received.

All the letters had either small birthday balloons or presents drawn on the envelope so you knew they were for tomorrow. You didn't open anything and you just started to talk to your friends again.

You all ate dinner and caught up a lot more during the time. After dinner was over and you were allowed to go back to your dorms, you started walking to the common room with your friends, your brothers with their own friends up ahead.

"Do you think anyone new will be in our dorm this year, like last year?" Pansy asked and she linked her arm with yours. 

"I hope not, I like the girls in our dorm from last year." You said to her and continued walking to the Slytherin common room.

"Same, but I think Millicent left Hogwarts for some other school." Pansy said.

"Did she really?" You asked, groaning.

"I think so, yeah." Pansy nodded her head.

"That means we have to have some new girl join our dormitory." You rolled your eyes.

"I know." Pansy groaned with you. "I might have an idea who it might be..."

"Who?" You asked and she stopped walking along with you. "Oh."

You turned and looked at your best friend who was stood still. You knew who she was talking about and you knew her prediction could end up being correct.

"It's just a possibility." Pansy said. "I'm sure Grace won't be our new dorm mate."

"I really hope not." You sighed.

Pansy went to talk but she was stopped when you picked your bandaged hand out of your pocket. You wiped some hair away from your face and her lips parted when she saw blood stained bandages on your hand.

"Holy fuck! Aria, what happened?" She shouted and took your hand in hers.

"Pansy, ouch! That hurts!" You exclaimed.

"What happened, Aria? How did this happen to your hand?" She asked whilst examining the bandages on your hand.

"It's a long story, okay?" You sighed and snatched your hand back from her. "I don't want to talk about it." 

"Too bad, we're talking it it!" She shouted.

"What are we talking ab- what the fuck did you do to your hand!?" Theo yelled when he was the sight of your bloody bandages.

"Shit, that looks so bad, Aria!" Draco swore and he stepped over to you and Pansy.

"Do you brothers know about this?" Blaise asked and everyone walked over to you.

"They don't know, do they?" Mattheo asked as you looked down at your hand.

"Only Andrew does, do not tell Adrian and Aaron." You said bluntly to them.

"How did that happen, Aria, are you cutting yourself again?" Theo asked you, a little bit too loudly. 

"Woah, what?" One of your brothers asked from up the hallway.

It was Adrian who said that and him saying that caught both Andrew and Aaron's attention. The three of them all rapidly turned around and rushed over to you and your friends, standing around you.

A few people passing by looked confused and were trying to listen in on the conversation you were going to have, but Draco and Blaise ushered them away.

"What did he just say? Theodore, what did you just say?" Adrian asked you and then turned to Theo and asked him.

"It was just a question." Theo spoke. "I asked if she was cutting herself again... look at her hand."

"Fucking hell, how did you do that?" Adrian asked as he picked up your hand.

"Are you doing it again, Aria, because if you are-" Andrew was saying but you cut him off.

"No! I'm not!" You shouted. "Aaron, tell them I'm not."

"I mean, I'm not sure if you are or if you aren't." Aaron said.

Word Count : 1017

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