Ticklish Android: Part 2 (Detroit Become Human Fanfiction)

Start from the beginning

Noah blinked, "What's wrong?"

"Noah, I think my tickle sensors are fried," Gabriel said. "That has to be the reason,"

"Fried? So... I'll have to fix it," Noah said.

"You can, but you probably don't know how they work," Gabriel said to them.

"What do you mean?" Noah questioned.

"Most of my coding, and mainframe, is out of the league from what they make you guys learn in college, you'll have to take me back to where I came from for them to fix my sensors," Gabriel told Noah.

Noah blinked. "Wait... You mean to that fetish robot-making place?"

Gabriel nodded. "I haven't been back there in so long..."


Noah and Gabriel walked through the city of Detroit until they found the place they needed. Gabriel was the one to help guide Noah since he still had a remembrance of where it was located.

Noah stared up at the entrance of the building.

"Detroit's Android Pleasure Programming?" Noah read what was on the sign, over the door. "How I never noticed this building?"

Gabriel chuckled. "Come on," He said. "Let's go inside,"

Upon entering, Noah was amazed at how big it looked. The layout of the building actually looked more fancy than Cyberlife's main building.

As they walked down the hallway, around them on display, were some Androids for sale. "Hey... Look and those..." Gabriel said. He walked up to one of them.

It was an Android of a man. Below them, was a sign that read:

Android Model: FT-348 "Duncan" Programmed with Foot Fetish

Noah blinked. "Woah... They really have androids programmed with kinks..." He looked down at the price. "Holy...shit..." The price of them was 8 thousand dollars.

"I wasn't lying when I said it was expensive," Gabriel mentioned with a small giggle.

Noah looked around. "So... do they have a workshop here? Or-"

"Can I help you two?" Said a voice.

"Ahh!" Noah gasped, grabbing onto Gabriel. Gabriel giggled at Noah's reaction. "Noah, it's just the owner of the place..."

"O-Oh... Right..." Noah let go of his robot and looked at the man. "Um... I..."

Gabriel sighed, "We're just here because I need my tickle sensors fixed..."

The man looked at Gabriel. "Wait... I know that voice..." He said. "Gabriel? Wow... I haven't seen you in so long!"

Noah blinked. "Uh... You... two know each other?"

"Of course I do!" The man said. "I'm the one who built him,"

Gabriel seemed like he hadn't recognized him at first, but with his reaction now, he had. The light on his forehead glowed yellow as he was processing. "Wait a minute... Harvey?"

"Yep, it's me!" He smiled, "You said you need your tickle sensors tuned?" The man walked up to Gabriel.

Gabriel nodded. "Yes! I- I think they're fried,"

"Mind if I-?" He reached over to Gabriel. Gabriel nodded, then took off his shirt. It seemed like Harvey knew exactly what he was doing with how fast he went. He quickly pressed the button to open Gabriel's face plates, then instantly opened the stomach hatch. Then, Harvey kneeled down and took a look inside. "Hmm... I see you still have DeWolfe's endo frame," Harvey said. "Damn, it's still functional?" He said arching his eyebrow.

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