Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

'Still want to buy me a drink?' I turned to Felix, ignoring Blue with a bloody need.

'Beer for me, whiskey for her.' He called out to Mickey as he slid from his seat. The whiskey order wasn't lost on me, and I wasn't even mad about it because hell did I need that drink right now.

'Sage.' Blue let out with a hard tone as I rounded the counter to meet Felix who held his arm out for me with a knowing smile tugged on his lips. I was being vindictive; I knew that, Felix knew that and so did bloody Blue.

Present day


She watched me with such fury in those pretty green eyes, the storm swirling inside of them only intensified the brightness of her green orbs. She was furious with me way more than I had ever imagined, I didn't understand it, not one fucking bit because she was the one who had left me, she left, and she didn't fucking come back.

'Still want to buy me a drink?' She turned her attention away from me and onto the man who sat before her. Shit if I thought these past years of being away from her was hard then you could only imagine the sting that hit with the visual of her accepting the attention of someone else that wasn't me.

'Beer for me, whiskey for her.' That fuck-tard called out to Mickey as he raised from his seat. I had two minds, one that wanted to push his ass back into the chair and another that wanted to throw the dick out of the fucking front doors.

'Sage.' I ground out, my eyes where hard, tightly trained on her every movement as she rounded the counter and hooked her arm through the outstretched arm that fool had held out for her. With a shake of my head, I turned away from the sight, I couldn't watch that shit any longer. She was testing me, and I was failing, shit she knew exactly how to get under my skin, always has and always fucking will. A glass of whiskey slid across the countertop and stilled in front of me, and I glanced over at Mickey.

'You ambushed her.' He accused with a disapproving shake of his head. 'That's a welcome home drink, not a sympathy one.'

'Didn't plan to, thought she would be at home.' I told him, taking the glass and shooting its contents. Every time I'm around this girl I find myself in way over my fucking head in both the good and the bad aspects of loving Sage Walker but I'd take it, Shit I didn't care because just seeing her for the first time in years had me needing her more than I thought possible.

'What's this letter about?' He asked, tilting his head with a mix of curiosity and a tinge of concern.

'Nothing fucking good.' I told him, forcing my jaw not to tighten with the knowledge the letter had given me. I had purposely kept my answer short, not giving him any insight into the actual words that were written on the paper that came through my door. Wade wrote that letter with the intent for my eyes only and I was going to honor that for him, honor it for her sake.

'Well shit, my suggestion is less of the ambushing, give her space she's got to be going through it with Wade's death not to mention seeing your dumb ass.' He suggested. Like I'd ever take his suggestions into count ever again.

'No offense,' I muttered before continuing, 'The last time you told me to give her what she needed, she up and left, up and left the both of us and that shit ain't happening again if I can put a stop to it.' I told him with certainty, and shit I half believed the words myself with all the fucking determination I felt on the subject.

'I'll believe that when I see it brother.' He shook his head, 'Shit if you can make our girl stay, I'll give you free whiskey for life.'

'If I can get her to stay, I won't need the damn whiskey anymore.' I muttered earning a light chuckle from him.

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