Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

You're in trouble kid


I slipped into Marlene's sweatpants, the khaki green was definitely a colour that complemented my auburn hair and sage-green eyes. The warm shower had done me good and had rid me of the tense ache in my muscles, another wound from last night's disaster only invisible to the eyes, unlike the mortifying visible wounds on my face. When I first glanced in the mirror I was hit with mortification at the red, purple, and tinge of black that circled my eye and dipped across my cheekbone. The cut across my eyebrow was small and nothing compared to its sting and pain but still, it was visible nonetheless. I was hoping that I would somehow be able to cover it and lessen the curious looks I'm sure to be getting from people until the reminder was to vanish but honestly, I have no clue where I would even start in the attempt to hide such a gross-looking black eye. Picking up my phone from Blue's bedside table, its charge now one hundred. A rapid pounding began to sound throughout the house. I glanced at my phone, the multiple missed calls and texts from my Uncle had my head all but snapping in the direction of the door.

'Oh fuck.' I muttered, stuffing my phone into the pockets of the sweats I wore as I rushed out of the room, heading straight for the front door at my Uncle's voice.

'You're in trouble, Kid.' Uncle Wade fired at me over Marlene and Blue's shoulders. They both turned as I got closer and when I came fully into my Uncle's view, his tone grew dark. 'What the...' He bit his tongue, cutting himself short of a cuss word, 'What happened to you?' His eyes darted the entirety of my body, searching for any sign of more wounds. 'Sage what happened?' He repeated with panic in his tone.

'There was a small incident yesterday, but I'm fine.' I tried to wave him off, tried to ease the seriousness of the situation I had gotten myself into last night.

'Incident? You look like you went two rounds in a darn live bucking contest.' He fired, 'What happened to your face?' he fired another question, impatience written not only on his facial features but his tone too.

'I got into a fight.' I informed him. Technically I wasn't lying but I wasn't giving him the entirety of the story either and believe me it didn't feel good knowing that knowledge, not at all.

'Darlin.' Blue sent me a reassuring smile as if to silently tell me that I needed to give my Uncle every and all details, but just because Blue said it was okay didn't mean that I had the strength to do it. I mean this was my Uncle, and he was going to be furious not only at the fact I had went to a bar and drunk alcohol at the age of eighteen but at the fact I'd spent the night in jail.

'Alright, don't be mad ok?' I eased and when my Uncle hit me with silence I carried on. 'I went to a bar, but I swear I wasn't drinking alcohol we were just there because Blue was performing, then I got into a fight and then I got Blue beaten up by a bunch of guys, then the police came and I beat up a man, got myself arrested only to spend hours and hours in a very tormenting four walled jail cell.' I rushed out giving him the basic details but not all of them. He didn't need to hear it all in one go, maybe once the dust settles I'll fill in the minor details with all the facts like the one that included that I actually was drinking alcohol, that I got into a fight with a man, beaten up by a man, got Blue beaten up and then sat terrified in a jail cell. Holy hell just thinking about last night was terrifying and I hated every bloody minute of having to replay it in my mind.

'You were arrested? And I'm only just now finding out?' he glanced an accusatory look towards Blue.

'I let her stay the night, you were working, and she didn't want to stay alone.' Marlene tried to soothe over.

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