Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Meeting the men of the ranch


The sun was no longer in the sky, but Sage was still on that damn horse. I leaned against the wooden fence, watching her, the one thing in my life that gets me excited, as she guided the magnificent horse through its paces. The rhythmic sound of hooves meeting the soft earth filled the air, creating a serene symphony that momentarily drowned out the chaos of our chaotic lives. I've got to say that it was a surprise to see how much she knew about horse riding when initially I had thought I'd be giving her a beginners lesson but it was clear to me as she sat tall and confident in the saddle, her auburn hair flowing freely in the breeze that was undoubtedly not the case and I was not even going to attempt to pull away the proud smile that played on my lips as I marvelled at the grace with which she handled the powerful creature beneath her.

'She's giving Knight a darn good exercise tonight.' My boss, Casey, came to stand beside me, his eyes fixed on Sage and the horse.

'Yeah, I'll get him settled in for the night soon, I couldn't bring myself to tell her he's ridden enough.' I admitted. I couldn't be the one to rip that serene happiness from her face when she seemed to be so carefree looking. Casey raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on his lips.

'Knight can handle it, I've got to say Son it's nostalgic seeing her all grown up.' He said.

'You've met her before?' I asked, the news all new to me.

'A long time ago, she was maybe seven or eight the last time she was here with her father.'

'Huh, well I didn't know that.' I chuckled, if I had known that I'd have brought her out here sooner.

'Her father and I were brothers without the blood, a good man he was.' He said, nostalgia written on his expression.

'So, you knew who she was when I asked about bringing her here.' I asked the smile on his face the confirmation that I had hit the nail on the head.

'I don't just let anyone on my ranch Son.' He remarked.

'Right.' I chuckled a response.

'This might be out of my line of duty, but I wouldn't be honouring my late friend if I didn't ask.' He turned to face me, his attention directly on me as the conversation seemed to become serious. 'Your intentions with her, are they good?'

'With Sage, they always have been Sir.' I admitted truthfully because they had even before my feelings towards her grew into more.

'That's good enough for me.' He brought a hand down with a pat on my shoulder.

'I think he's tired.' Sage's voice cut through the moment, drawing both of our attention to the beauty on the horse as she and Knight strode our way.

'Alright Darlin, let me help you down.' I offered, making a motion to round the fence.

'I've got it.' She said before proceeding to climb off of the horse, her hand reaching out to the horse's reins as she guided him out of the pen. I smiled at her windswept hair, the look of peace settled over her facial expression, and shit she even looked hot after a two-hour ride, I was one lucky man, and I knew it.

'Hi, I'm Sage.' She reached her hand out to Casey, who took her hand into his.

'Casey Morgan, you don't remember me?' He asked, causing a sheepish look to cross her face.

'I'm sorry I don't.' She gave him a sincere smile. 'Although you do look a little familiar.'

'We have met a couple of times; your old man and I go way back.' He let her in on the information he had given to me moments ago.

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