Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

'I burnt your Mom's pie.' I told him with a sigh.

'Fuck Darlin, I thought you had been hurt.' He groaned the tension he felt released with the sag of his shoulders.

'No, but she's going to be hurt when she finds out I burnt it, she spent hours making that pie.'

'It's just a pie she can make another.' He tried to smooth over, 'Baby when was the last time you slept?' He asked, concern evident in his tone.

'I'm not tired Blue.' I lied; I had been sleeping but lately, I felt more tired than usual. I guess the need to have Blue sleeping beside me had taken a toll on me. Most nights it took me a good few hours to switch off at night, but I was still getting the sleep that I needed. 'It's taking a while for me to fall asleep without you, that's clingy right?'

'Not clingy.' He gave me a soft smile, 'I know what you mean.' his lips tugged into a smirk, maybe it was a little sadistic, but it made me feel better knowing he was having the same issues as I was.

'You do?' I asked, a smile replacing my pout in an instant.

'Go into my room for me.' He instructed with a soft smile.

'Blue.' I glanced around the kitchen at the mess I still needed to clean.

'Darlin forget the pie and do something for me.' He raised a pleading brow.

'Okay.' I agreed maneuvering my way out of the kitchen, through the hall, and into his room.

'You in the room?' He asked.

'Yes, so what do you need?' I began to ask but he cut me off.

'Now climb into bed.' He ordered as he rustled about on the other side of the screen. I pulled the covers back and sunk myself into the mattress, pulling his cover over me and letting his scent completely soothe me. God, I should have done this last bloody week because the scent was so strong that it was as if he was actually here with his arms wrapped tightly around me. ugh, I wish.

'I miss you.' I muttered, adjusting the phone against the pillow beside me so that I could see him, and he could see me.

'You're crazy about me huh?' He teased propping his phone up against something and I watched as he settled back into his seat, pulling his guitar onto his lap.

'You know it.' I shamelessly admitted. It was the truth I was totally so insanely crazy in love with Blue Mercer.

'Close your eyes.' He gave another order, and I shook my head to tell him no, not all of our calls were video calls and I wanted to get my fill of seeing his handsome face. 'Darlin, come on.' He chuckled.

'Fine.' I groaned, but the smile that tugged my lips was enough for me to know that I enjoyed whatever it was that he was attempting to do. The second my eyes closed, the sound of his soft strums against the strings of his guitar pulled through the phone, relaxing me into the sheets that clouded me, and soon my ears were hit with the gentle familiarity of his voice, his husky tone, like velvet, whispered sweet lyrics to me as he weaved a lullaby on the edges of my consciousness. The richness of each chord, the tender timbre of his voice was the world of comfort and soon enough my body grew heavy with the weight of a surrender to the music, cradled in the warmth of his bed sleep pulled me in.

A life changing kind of bug


I pushed open the bathroom door, my chest heaving as I stumbled towards the kitchen. The taste of bile lingered in my mouth, a cruel reminder of the twenty minutes I had just spent dry heaving into the toilet. My stomach churned in discomfort, but at least the nausea had now subsided.

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