'Is it a late one?' he asked turning his eyes back on me.

'Yup, don't wait up.' I told him through a gentle smile.

'Later Wade.' Mickey fired a goodbye, as he scooted himself back down the porch steps.

'Love you, be safe.' I bid my uncle a quick goodbye wanting to get out of there before he had a change of mind and did decide to start asking questions about mine and Blues entwined fingers.

'That's my line.' he fired with an amused smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, and a smile of my own formed at the sight as I all but pulled Blue towards the porch steps. 'Blue!' Uncle Wade called, halting our leave.

'Yeah Sir?' Blue answered, turning back to give my uncle his attention.

'Stop climbing through my darn windows every night, I own a front door.' My eyes went wide at my uncle's words, my heart all but jumping out of my throat as my cheeks burned with the embarrassment that I now felt.

'Erm, yes Sir.' Blue all but stuttered a reply.

'Go on then.' Uncle Wade flicked a nod of his head with the order, a sly smirk tugging at his lips in amusement, and I can bet right now he had enjoyed watching not only me squirm but Blue too.

'Oh my god.' I whispered to Blue with burning cheeks as he pulled me down the steps and towards a chuckling Mickey and by the looks of his amusement, he had heard the entire thing.

'Don't say a fucking word.' Blue fired at Mickey and the mischievous glint that he held in his eyes. In return Mickey held his hands up in the gesture of surrender, his amusement all but pouring from him as we crushed the distance to Blues truck.

'At least you didn't get shot.' I teased, climbing into my seat as Blue held the passenger door open for me.

'There's still time Darlin.' He smirked, nodding his head towards my seatbelt with the silent instruction to put it on, and with my light laughter, he closed the door before making his way around the truck and sliding into his seat.

'So how long has he been sneaking into your room for? Is this a new thing or something you guys have always done?' Mickey asked, slumping his arms over the seat between me and Blue.

'You can't leave well alone, can you?' Blue muttered, enticing a laugh from me as he started up the engine, backing the truck out of his drive.

'Well, I want to know.' Mickey shrugged.

'Just over a week.' I gave in and answered him.

'Darlin, you don't have to give an answer to his prying.' Blue glanced my way before returning his attention back to the road.

'You've been climbing through her window for over a damn week and I'm only finding out now?' Mickey cut in, 'I'm wounded, thought you told me everything Doll.' he let out dramatically.

'You're such a drama queen.' I fired through amusement. 'I've told you before Mickey Mercer, I don't tell you everything.'

'You did with your other boyfriends, what's different now that you're dating Blue?' he asked, settling back in his seat.

'This entire conversation is bugging the hell out of me.' Blue muttered.

'Because this is different, and he is your cousin.' I admitted I didn't mind telling Mickey about everything, I just feel like what happens between me and Blue should strictly stay between me and Blue.

'Doll, I don't give a damn about all that, you could tell me you blew him off in this backseat last night and I'd feel no different to the times you told me about you and Dalton getting...'

'Mickey!' I yelled, cutting him off. My cheeks were now flushed red and they burned so hot that I swear it had me sweating. He had not one ounce of shame and not one care in the world that he was embarrassing the crap out of me right now.

'Fuck's sake man.' Blue huffed out with a click of his tongue, a telltale that he wanted Mickey to shut up as much as I did.

'What? I'm just saying.' He retorted completely unbothered that he had me wishing for the seat to just swallow me whole and take me away from this entire moment right now.

'I'm never telling you anything again.' I all but sent daggers his way, God I could only imagine how beet red my face was right now. 'Please tell me Violet is out with us tonight.' I turned to Blue for an answer because I didn't know how much more of a bored Mickey I could take.

'Picking her up right now Darlin.' He glanced my way with a knowing smile, I guess he felt the same way that I did right now.

'So have you guys done the deed yet?' Mickey couldn't help himself as he fired another question.

'Mickey!' I scolded at his intrusiveness.

'Jesus.' Blue groaned as the truck came to a still. 'Go and get your girl and leave mine alone.' He ordered Mickey so exasperatedly.

'Whatever man.' Mickey waved him off, not a care in the world as he slid out of the truck to do as he was told.

'He doesn't know what boundaries are, does he?' I joked, turning my attention to Blue.

'That's because you haven't given him any.' Blue chuckled, his eyes catching mine as he roamed them over my face. 'You're still blushing.' he teased, causing heat to flush right back into my cheeks again.

'Leave me.' I groaned out, forcing a smirk to tug on his lips.

'Did you actually tell him everything that you and those other guys got up to?' he asked, his eyes boring into mine with his need for my response.

'Yeah.' I admitted with a sheepish bite to my lip.

'How come you never talked to me about things like that?' he asked, and I all but sunk into the seat at his question.

'I don't know.' I lied; I wasn't about to tell him that the reason I never gave him all my dirty little secrets was because I had a huge blooming crush on him. Hell, I think I caught feelings for him the second that I started noticing boys in that way. 'Would you have wanted to know?' I turned the question on him.

'How many guys are we talking?' he asked, prying just like a Mercer would.

'Blue, you don't see me asking about the girls you've been with.' I groaned out, this was a conversation I didn't want to have with him while sat in his truck with an incoming Violet and Mickey.

'No, but I guess my curiosity is getting the better of me, Darlin.' He sent me a sly smile.

'Curiosity about what exactly?' I asked with intrigue to know what it was that he wanted to know.

'My curiosity to know what exactly Mickey was insinuating.' He admitted.

'So what? That translates to you wanting to know if I told Mickey my sexual history?' I asked, not sure I was understanding his all but cryptic responses.

'I guess yeah.' He agreed and I eyed him, he was deadly serious, the need to know was all but seeping from him.

'Yeah, Mickey knows all of that.' I told him honestly. 'If you start asking me to relay what I've shared with him, then I'm hitting you with the silent treatment.' I added, enticing light laughter to fall from his lips.

'Baby, you don't have to worry about that, I don't want to know.' He said through his amusement.

'You sure? because the story of how I lost my virginity is a good one.' I teased, earning a raised brow from him. 'I'm joking.' I laughed at the expression on his face. 'Sort of.' I muttered; I wasn't even lying because that turned out to be a massive regret.

'Fuck me I wish I never asked the damn question.' he groaned with a shake of his head.

'I'm playing with you Blue.' I grinned his way.

'Yeah well quit, you're only making the curiosity grow.' He retorted as the back door opened up and in slid a bubbling Violet, and an overly happy Mickey.

Summer BlueWhere stories live. Discover now