vance hopper- bail

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description: you come and bail vance out of jail

another vance one out of popular request since some of you guys love vance

I'm walking with my friend Tara (tarayummy guys😻) through town and all of the sudden I hear a cop car pass by. I shrug and think nothing of it as me and Tara keep walking.

Soon enough we're walking past the Grab'N Go where Vance most likely there. "Y/N, look. The cop car is there." Tara nudges me and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

I look over and sure enough there are people standing outside the Grab'N Go peering in through the windows. Tara and I cross the street and go to the windows until we're stopped by a cop.

"Sorry ladies, this is blocked off for now. We just need to break a fight up and get someone in cuffs." The cop says, standing in front of us. Tara start to try and get him to let us past while I look over his shoulder. Soon enough I see two people being dragged out of the Grab'N Go.

Tara stops talking to the cop. "Y/N/N, is that... Vance?" Tara asks me, looking over the cops shoulder as well. I see a blonde curly haired guy getting put in cuffs and groan. "You're kidding." I say, shaking my head. I try and push past the cop.

"Woah there missy, you can't go over there, not safe just yet." The cop stops me. "But that's my boyfriend that's being put in cuffs!" I exclaim, looking at the cop. "Vance Hopper? He's no good, find a guy who doesn't get out in cuffs every two weeks." The cop shakes his head and says.

I roll my eyes. "Let me past, I need to see him." I say, trying to push through again. This time I push through his arm and run to Vance who's being pushed into the backseat of the cop car.

"Vance, what the hell did you do?" I ask him and his head snaps in my direction. "Doll, I'm so sorry, he just pissed me off-" Vance starts but is cut off by the cop shutting the door on him, silencing Vance.

"Ma'am, you can talk to him once he's out of the station." The cop says, ushering me away from the cruiser. "But-" I start, wanting to revolt against him. "Sorry ma'am, rules are rules. He'll have a bail, find someone to pay or pay yourself." The cop explains to me.

I just sigh and nod, walking back over to Tara. "Well? What's going on?" Tara asks me, eyes wide. "I don't know, I didn't get that much information, but we're going to the police station. Vance got into a fight but I'm not sure why or over what." I explain as Tara and I start walking away from the Grab'N Go.

"I'll help bail. I know Vance doesn't have that great of parents and I'm not letting you blow your bank account getting him out." Tara says as we walk to the police station. "Tara, you don't have to." I say, shaking my head. "Well I am, so suck it up." Tara says, looking at me.

I smile at her, knowing she won't back down. After a little while of walking we reach the station. We push through the doors and go to the front desk to the receptionist.

"Who are you ladies here for?" The receptionist asks, looking up from her papers. "Vance Hopper?" She looks at us through her glasses. "Hopper? He's bad news ladies, I wouldn't recommend being around him." She says, looking at us.

"Well he's my boyfriend so where is he?" I ask, leaning against the front desk. "Down the hall to the left. Go to the cop standing by the door and he'll give you his bail amount." She says, looking back down at her papers.

I nod and thank her and start walking down the hall, Tara following in suit. We turn left and find the holding room. We go up to the cop by the door. "Who?" He asks us boredly.

"Vance Hopper." Tara answers quickly for me. He looks at us with a bit of disapproval and takes his paper. "$450." He says, looking at us. My eyes widen. 450?

"What the hell? Why is it so much? I've been hearing of some guys who get out with like 50!" I exclaim, narrowing my eyes at the cop. He rolls his eyes. "He's been arrested for this multiple times before and he's already had a warning. Bail goes up every time, especially for kids like him." The cop explains.

"450, I can't possibly pay for even half of that Tara!" I say, looking at her, eyes watering a bit. "How much you willing to pay?" Tara asks me. "All I've got to spend is like 100, and I know that's a lot but I've been saving up, but that's still 350 left." I start rambling, putting my hands on my face.

"I'll pay the $350." Tara says, putting her hand on my arm. "What? You can't do that! That's way too much." I say, looking at Tara wide-eyed.

"I've got the money, so I'll pay it." Tara says, nodding at me. Tara has always been pretty wealthy, but she's never been super willing to pay for lots of things.

"Oh my god, I love you Tara." I say, hugging her. "I love you too Y/N/N, now we're gonna bail this man out." She grins at me.

"You ladies done?" The cops says, looking tired and bored. I roll my eyes and so does Tara. "Excuse us for having a moment, but yes, we're done. We got the money." Tara says to the cop.

"Good." The cop says, looking at us. I take the $100 out of my wallet and Tara fishes out $350 and we hand it over. "Thank you ladies, I'll be giving this to the station." The cop says, nodding at us, and turns to open the door for us.

He opens the door and we walk through, seeing a bunch of random people cuffed to chairs. The cop leads us over to Vance who's facing the wall. The cop walks over to him and starts unlocking his handcuffs.

"What the hell? Why are you uncuffing me?" Vance asks, looking at the cop, confused. "You've been bailed out." The cop says, taking the cuffs off of Vance's wrists. Vance's head turns and his eyes widen when he sees me and Tara.

Vance gets up and engulfs me in a hug, picking me up and spinning me around in the middle of the room. Once he set me down he smiles and presses a kiss to my lips.

"Save it for the outside." The cops says, nodding his head towards the door. Me, Vance, and Tara all walk out. "Hey Y/N, I gotta go, my mom wants me home for dinner and it's like 6." Tara says, starting to walk in the opposite direction of us.

"Alright, thank you so much Tara." I smile and wave goodbye. Tara starts walking away. "Y/N, how the hell did you pay $450?" Vance immediately asks me. "I paid $100, Tara payed the rest." I explain.

He looks at me. "But you saved all that up." He says. "I know." I reply, looking back at him. "I'm so sorry babydoll, I knew you were saving." He frowns at me. "Vance, it's okay. I'm just glad I got to help you out." I say, looking into his eyes.

Vance stops and so do I. He turns to me and places one hand on my waist and one of the back of my head and presses a firm kiss to my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

He pulls away and smiles at me. "I love you Y/N/N." I smile softly at Vance. "I love you too Vance." I reply. He grins and kisses me again, and I still have the same feeling in my stomach that I got from our first kiss, a year ago today.

(1,364 words)
long one for you vance lovers
also sry for not warning u about the new formatting on this but now it's all the chapters of everyone in order

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