vance hopper-detention

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description: you got detention for refusing to cover up when you got dress coded and when you get there the only other person in there is none other than vance hopper

Usually when I hear the bell ring, I sigh in relief, but today I can't. I have detention because I refused to cover up after I got dress coded. I legit was only showing my shoulders, so I don't understand why the teachers would think that guys would get distracted.

I walk down the hall to my locker and get my stuff. My best friend Diana walks up to me.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna come to my house?" Diana asks, smiling at me. I look at her and smile slightly.

"I wish I could, but Mr.Johnson decided to give me a detention when I said I wouldn't cover up my shoulders." I say, rolling my eyes at the thought of it. Diana scrunches her nose.

"I swear that guy is such a perv. Well, that really sucks, but come over if you want to after or something." Diana says, leaning against my locker, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." I say, shutting my locker and turning towards her. She bids me goodbye and walks towards the exit of the school meanwhile I have to go to room 312 and stay there for the next hour.

I walk down the hall against the crowd, but essentially make it to room 312 before I'm late. I walk in and see no one.

Maybe I can just sit in silence. That would be better than having a bunch of kids in here who want to beat the shit out of everyone.

I sit down in a seat in the back of the room and sigh as the detention monitor is standing near the door. The chatter in the halls dies down after a couple moments, most kids trying to leave the school as soon as possible.

After a couple minutes of silence in the classroom, I hear footsteps near the room.

"You're late." The detention monitor says, narrowing her eyes at whoever's in the doorway. My stomach drops when I hear the voice that replies to her.

"Yeah, well at least I'm here in the first place." The voice says. Vance Hopper. I shift in my seat, not wanting to spend an hour in this room with only the detention monitor and Vance.

Vance walks into the room fully, his eyes immediately falling onto me. He looks away from me, and walks towards a desk near mine.

Does he really have to go near me? I think to myself. He sits down one seat away from mine and I avoid eye contact.

About ten minutes pass of complete silence in the room until someone knocks on the door. The detention monitor gets up and opens it. The detention monitor is also the social worker at this school so sometimes she's needed for random things.

"We got some parents here who have some reports of bullying." A man's voice says. She nods her head and before heading out of the classroom she turns to me and Vance.

"You two, don't try and pull anything while I'm gone, and don't you even think about leaving before I'm back. I'm trusting you with being alone for a while." The woman says, shutting the door behind her when she leaves. I hear her lock the door from the outside and want to scream.

This is just my luck today, isn't it? I think, avoiding even looking in Vance's direction. Who knows what he'll do if I even look at him. I stare out the window beside me. I then hear movement and can't help but look toward it.

Vance has gotten up and is searching the cabinets. I can't help but stare at him as he does this. Vance turns around and his eyes narrow at me.

"What are you looking at?" He asks, leaning against the counter. I snap back to reality once he asks this and I shake my head.

"Nothing, my bad." I reply, looking away from him. I mentally scold myself for staring at him without even realizing.

Vance shuts the cabinet with force and comes back to his seat. Without even thinking twice I ask, "what'd you do that for?" I immediately regret it though.

Vance looks at me, narrowing his eyes. Instead of sitting down he comes closer to me. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze as he stalks towards me and stands right in front of my desk. His places his arms on either side of the desk and leans down so his face is by mine.

"Look at me." He says, noticing that I'm not making eye contact with him at all. I force myself to meet his blue eyes. His eyes search my face. After a moment of silence and him staring at me, he stands up fully.

"You're lucky you're pretty." He says, crossing his arms over his chest. My eyes widen.

"What?" I ask, wanting to make sure I heard him correctly.

"I didn't say anything." Vance mutters, still leaning on the desk in front of me. I cock a brow at him but let it go.

"What are you in here for?" Vance asks, looking me up and down.

"I refused to cover up after I got dress coded." I reply, shaking my head at the thought of it. Vance's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"What? Why?" He asks, trying to look to see why I would get dress coded.

"Mr.Johnson said my shoulders were 'distracting.'" I say, putting air quotes on distracting. "And I wasn't about to put a hoodie on, it's like 90 degrees outside and it's not like our school had that great of air conditioning." I continue. Vance nods along as I speak.

"Yeah, well Mr.Johnson's a pedo. That's stupid anyway." Vance says. I never thought that Vance would be this nice...

"Why are you in here?" I ask Vance, keeping conversation going. He scoffs and shakes his head at this.

"Some dick decided to talk shit and didn't realize I was there like the idiot he is so I beat the shit out of him." Vance explains, looking at his bruised and scabbed knuckles. I nod my head at his story.

After a little bit of conversation, I've warmed up to Vance a bit. "After this...would you want to go to the grab'n go with me?" Vance asks. My cheeks heat up and I look away slightly.

"Oh, sure yeah." I say, attempting to play it off. He smirks at me. "Alright then." Vance replies, eyeing me up and down.

"You wanna know what I said earlier?" Vance asks, leaning on my desk like before. Instead of saying anything I just nod, looking into his eyes. He smirks at me. "I said you were lucky you were pretty." He speaks.

I blush at this which causes him to chuckle under his breath. "Oh, thanks." I mumble out, avoiding eye contact and turning my head away from him. I feel his finger under my chin and he lightly tugs my head towards him.

"Y'know what Y/N? I don't think it would be your shoulder's that provoke guys, it would just be you. You're..gorgeous." Vance says, staring into my eyes. I smile at Vance.

"How do I know you mean it?" I ask, searching his face for sarcasm.

"Can I show you I mean it?" He asks in a low voice. I nod my head. He leans in and presses his lips to mine passionately. I kiss him back instantly and he places his hands on either side of my face.

All of the sudden we hear keys jingle outside the door and we immediately pull away. Vance goes back to his tough demeanor and he goes back to his seat as the door opens.

The detention monitor comes in and excuses us since it's been an hour. We walk out of the classroom together and down the halls to the exit of the school.

"Just because I like you does not mean that I'm going to be nice." Vance says. "Okay Vance, whatever you say." I reply, shaking my head and smiling a bit.

I glance over at Vance who's smirking slightly. As we're walking down the street he snakes his hand around my waist as we walk.

(1,407 words)
idk how to feel abt this one bc i feel like it doesn't rlly show vance's personality but wtv 🤷‍♀️

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