fav thing to do while youre together

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i'm making another bc nobody told me i did the first wrong 😎

description: this is just what you guys would do in your free time together

mason: mason is definitely the type of guy to always be doing something. so you guys would prob go and do something like bowling, laser tag, etc. it's different almost every time and you guys have so much fun. ofc he'd stay in with you if you didn't feel like going out tho. if you guys did stay home you'd prob play a game or watch a movie and cuddle.

miguel: idk you guys would most likely stay in and play games, bake, watch movies-things like that and you guys are perfectly happy with that. every once and while you'll drag him to target and you guys will end up getting matching pajamas 😭

brady: you guys would go out to lunch and stuff and then walk around town or go shopping. brady would insist to pay for every little thing but would only pay for something small(would be upset about it but gets over it)

tristan: he would literally do anything with you-and i mean anything. this man is obsessed with you. he would go on picnics with you, he would go shopping with you-anything. his favorite thing though is cuddling with you. he LOVES it. he just loves being close to you in general so you can see why he would love to cuddle. you cannot tell me that while cuddling he doesn't give you temple/forehead kisses because yes he would.

jacob: tbh i don't really know what to do for this one. i feel like he's the type of guy to want to stay in on some days and go out on others. he would always ask which is okay with you first. if you say in, you guys would have a movie marathon and if you go out you guys would walk around your town/city.

finney: you guys would stay in. he wouldn't want to go outside just because he prefers it inside. would read books with you and sometimes allow gwen to come and hang out with you guys. lots of the time though, you watch his space shows or fav movies with him.

robin: it really depends on what happened in the day. like if he got into a fight he might be burned out so he would want to cuddle and watch the texas chainsaw massacre but if nothing really happened he would want to go out and do something or like have u watch him practice fighting (not in a creepy way lol)

bruce: he would have you come to his games if he had them but if not he would have you over at your house and your mom would try to steal you away like a million times. "mom, stop trying to steal y/n and make her taste dinner" (idk i feel like this would happen)

vance: grab n go. on days when vance is feeling nice, he'll either let you have a turn or you guys will do something else like drive around or something like that. usually when you're with him at the grab n go you'll buy snacks and stuff so that when you guys go back home you guys can watch tv and eat the snacks.

(582 words)

second preference done 😻
also sorry for not posting over the weekend
working on a couple things rn btw

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