when they knew they loved you

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description: just what the title says 💗

mason: you guys were at universal since he wanted to take you there and ride the amusement park rides with you and show you his fav. whenever a fan came you would step aside and allow him to do his thing and would watch smiling. while in line for his favorite ride you're gushing about your favorite ride so far. he just smiles and watches you and feels his heart speed up, but not like it has before. he comes to the conclusion that he loves you.

miguel: you guys are in his kitchen and it's pouring raining outside. you guys are listening to your playlist and all of the sudden glue song by beabadoobee starts playing and you get really excited. you guys start dancing around the kitchen to it and you sing along and laugh. while gazing at you he realizes how much he relates the lyrics to you. for example, i've never known someone like you. he smiles to himself softly as it hits him that he loves you.

brady: you and brady are at a premier for a movie and you're standing with brady. this time people are actually taking pictures of you as well since you guys went public with your relationship about months ago with your relationship. brady looks down to you as you're smiling excitedly. you meet his soft blue eyes and grin at him, and his heart feels warm, but not like it had before. he stares into you eyes until it clicks into his brain that he's in love with you.

tristan: you were at tristan's work and sitting in his chair while he's filming. he doing all his lines regularly, but today he keeps looking over at you behind the camera. they've had to do so many takes because he keeps looking behind the camera when he's not supposed to. tristan is wondering why he can't seem to keep his gaze off you for like five minutes until one of his costars jokes about him being in love with you. although to him, it's not a joke. he realizes that he does love you. he can't help but smile at you when he realizes.

jacob: you're at a family dinner with him since your families are friends. you're talking with his mom and you really get along well with her. he smiles at the thought of you and his mom getting along well and his eyes start to wander, taking you in all at once. he suddenly smiles as he realizes he can now say that you're his first love.

finney: you and finney were at his house and sitting in his room. you were minding your own business as he does whatever he wants. gwen comes into the room. "why are you staring at y/n?" she asks and your cheeks heat up as you look up at your boyfriend. finney brushes it off but he realizes that the reason that he was staring was because he couldn't stop thinking about you. it hit him like a brick that he loved you.

robin: robin had just gotten done with a fight and you take him to the bathroom to get him cleaned up. you start working on his knuckles since those took the most damage. he stares at you as you help him out. he smiles as he uses his free hand to push the hair out of your face. you look up at him and his heart melts. he kisses you right when he realizes that he's in love.

bruce: (lets be real, bruce has loved u since day one but anyway) you were at bruce's baseball game and cheering him on as per usual. bruce smiles at you as he does better than ever when you're there to watch. he stares at you whenever he has the the chance to throughout the entire game. while in the dugout after the game and the coach is giving the team the end of the game talk, he can't get you out of his mind. he glances towards where you're waiting for him and he can't help but smile and that's when he realizes that he loves you more than words can describe.

vance: it took vance a little while to realize that he loved you, but when he realized it was a huge deal for him. he was laying in bed at 3am, wide awake, the only thing keeping him company was his thoughts. he realizes that his mind keeps wandering to you and everything you do for him. he couldn't really believe it when he caught himself thinking about how much he loves you. eventually he falls asleep thinking about you and the first thing on his mind in the morning is how to tell you that he's completely and utterly in love with you.

(829 words)
kk love all of you guys ❤️

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