tristan pravong-yours

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this one is based off of Yours by Conan Gray (listen to it rn it's so fucking good. actually i'll link it)

description: you have loved tristan for a long time and you know that he knows and you've done so much for him-ditching your friends for him and he's kinda just playing you

lately, i feel like tristan has made me look like an idiot. he only calls me when he's alone. it's like he's using me. i'm starting to rethink my decisions about him.

i left all my friends for him. i've quit commitments for him. all of these go unnoticed by him. he says he loves me but i can see in his eyes that he doesn't. i'm not his.

i decided to confront him about this because i cant go on like this. i can't keep chasing after someone i won't ever have.

me and tristan were best friends before dating and now that i think of it, i think he only said yes to dating me because he felt bad and didn't want things to change between us. i know i'm not the one he really loves, even if he says it which is why i kept trying. i could give him everything and it still won't be enough.

i go to tristan's house and he opens the door, smiling at me. i look into his eyes and i can still see that he doesn't truly love me like i love him. i smile back and we go to his room.

"so y/n/n what do you wanna do?" he asks, sitting down on his bed, already pulling out his phone. "um, tristan? could you please put your phone down for this?" i ask, nervously picking at the skin on my fingers.

he looks up at me and slowly puts his phone away, nervously glancing around the room. i sigh, knowing that i already have his attention and can't just switch the subject.

"what's going on...?" he asks slowly, attention focused on me. i'm still standing and he takes notice, motioning me to sit next to him on the bed. i sigh and sit down next to him, facing him.

"listen tristan...i love you, i really really do but-" i start and he cuts me off. "are you breaking up with me?" he asks, wide-eyed. i avoid eye contact. "that's the thing tris, i know that you don't love me as much as i love you, at least in that way." i say, looking down at my hands.

"but..." he trails off, running a hand through his hair. "i should've known it was dumb love. i mean, i sent you fifteen dozen roses and it went unnoticed-like a lot of things have that i've done for you. i.." my voice breaks. i look him in the eyes that are filled with sorrow.

"i cant believe i chose you over all my close friends. they at least noticed when i did things for them. what the fuck did i do in the end just to not be completely yours?" i say, a pleading look in my eyes as if this is going to change how he feels for me.

"but you are mine. please y/n, i can change." he pleads. "no, i'm not tristan. all i ever wanted was that look in your eyes like you already know that i'm the love of your life. or that you know you're never saying goodbye." i say, looking at him sadly.

"please..." he whispers, eyes welling with tears. "i'm not yours. i want more but i can't change your mind, nor can i control your emotions-and you can't necessarily control your emotions either." i say.

he sits in silence and eventually i stand to leave. his head shoots up to look at me. his eyes are red and he has tear-stained cheeks. i had no idea he cared this much...

i give him a weak smile and turn to go. i go downstairs and start putting on my shoes. mrs.yamada comes around the corner. "oh, leaving already y/n?" she asks confused because usually i stay for hours.

"um, yeah." i fake smile. she frowns. "oh well. see you soon y/n." she says, turning to go back around the corner. i say bye and leave the house, salty tears streaming down my face.

(734 words)

idk if i should make a pt.2 where they get back together or something🤷‍♀️

also if you guys are up for it please leave requests!! i need them tbh 😭

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