bruce yamada-chemistry

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description: you and bruce get partnered up for a project in chemistry (and u guys have it LMFAO)

I'm walking to my chem class with my friend Rory. "I heard that we're gonna have a new project in Chemistry." Rory says, holding her books close to her chest as she walks.

I groan. "Do we at least get to pick partners?" I ask, not wanting to be placed with a clueless person. Rory thinks about this and stops one of our friends who's walking down the hall.

"Lucia, do we get to choose partners for chem?" Rory asks Lucia. Lucia shakes her head and Rory turns to me.

"Well, there you have it. We're forced to do a project with random kids who don't know anything about the unit." Rory says as we reach the the chemistry classroom. Mr.Brown is greeting students at the door as they walk in.

We walk to him. "Good afternoon Ms.Y/N and Ms.Gilmore, the seating chart is who your partner is going to be for the project that we'll be introducing today." Mr.Brown says. (Yes, Rory Gilmore LMFAO)

I nod my head as we walk through the door. The seating chart is drawn on the chalkboard in the front of the classroom. "Well, that's just my luck, I'm with Ethan." Rory says, rolling her eyes at her new project partner.

I find my name. I'm sitting next to Bruce Yamada, who's a popular baseball player. "Well at least you know what you're in for. I don't even know what Bruce is like, but if he's as popular as people say he is he's most likely a douche." I sigh.

Rory and I walk down the aisle to her seat and Rory sits down next to her party Ethan. Ethan is a pretty much like every other guy in the grade- annoying and doesn't know a thing about anything except for whatever sport he plays. Rory mouths a bye to me as I go to my seat, which is in the back of the classroom.

I sit down and luckily for me Bruce isn't here yet. I spoke too soon because he walks in directly after I think that. He looks at the board and then finds me. He smiles softly and comes my way. I don't know whether or not to be excited for this or be nervous because this is the first time I've really looked at Bruce and noticed that he's kinda cute.

He sets his stuff down on his desk which is now right next to mine. I look up and I'm met with his nearly mesmerizing brown eyes. "Hey." He greets me, flashing me a smile. I completely forget how to speak for a second but snap out of it.

"Hi." I reply, fiddling with a ring on my finger. He just smiles at me and turns towards one of his friends. I look towards Rory who's already looking at me with eyes that basically say "how could Mr.Brown do this to me?"

The bell rings and the class settles down as Mr.Brown strolls in. "Good afternoon class. As you all know, we're starting a project and the person you're sitting next to is your partner. There will not be any changes and if you choose to waste time, you'll have to work on the project outside of school. It doesn't matter to me if your partner is the opposite gender, just do your work either way." Mr.Brown explains.

I glance at Rory who looks like she wants to die. Ethan, her partner is just leaning forward and talking with his friend Tyler about who knows what. I think Rory secretly knows that she'll most likely be doing all the work. I'm not sure if I will too.

"For this project you'll have to create a diagram of ionic bonds." Mr.Brown says, earning groans from throughout the classroom. "This will be due in two weeks." He continues.

As he drones on I zone out, already planning out what we should do for this project. Bruce raises his hand beside me. "Mr.Brown, what if we're gone one day? Because I have a baseball game at 3:45 after school friday and it's two hours away so I won't be here." Bruce asks.

"Whatever you don't do will be completed at home whether or not that means having your partner there as well." Mr.Brown says. Bruce nods his head. Mr.Brown excuses us to talk about and plan what we should do for the project.

I fully expect for Bruce just to turn and talk with his friends, but to my surprise he turns toward me. "What do you want to do?" Bruce asks, smiling at me.

"Uh, I don't really know. Maybe we could like do something with magnets because ionic bonds are atoms that attract." I suggest, slightly nervous since every boy I do a project with always shuts me down immediately.

"That sounds good." Bruce replies. "Do you wanna make the outer rings out of pipe cleaners?" He asks and I smile. "Yeah, sure." I'm so glad that Bruce is actually going along with me for once.


It is now Saturday and Bruce wasn't in class on friday because of his baseball game so today we have to catch up on work for the project.

I hear a knock on my front door and I go over and open it, revealing Bruce.

"Hey." Bruce smiles at me, holding his backpack. I greet him and allow him into my house. We end up going to my room and I sit down on my bed while he sits at my desk.

" was your game Friday?" I ask Bruce, wanting to make conversation with him. He smiles at me.

"It was good, we won 5-2." Bruce replies to me, getting more comfortable with me. I nod my head and we get the project set up to do what we couldn't on Friday.


We finished with the part of the project that we needed to do and now we're just hanging out in my room.

"Y'know Bruce, I thought you were going to leave me to do the project." I tell him, lying on my bed.

"I could see why you might've thought that." Bruce laughs. "But I couldn't pass up on my opportunity to talk to you." He continues, causing me to sit up and look at him.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him.

"Well, ever since I saw you I had this like, urge to know you. I hope that doesn't sound weird, but what I'm trying to say is that I think you're really pretty and I like you." Bruce confesses.

My eyes widen. "Really? Because I kinda like you too. I always thought you were cute." I laugh, sitting on the edge of my bed. Bruce smiles and we're pretty close in proximity.

"Could I...would you mind if I told you I wanted to kiss you right now?" Bruce asks softly. I smile and blush.

"If that's your way of asking, then yes." I say. Bruce smiles and closes the space between me and him, his lips now on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hand goes to my cheek.

Once we pull away Bruce smiles widely at me. "It's kinda funny that we're chemistry partners and we ended up having chemistry." Bruce jokes. I laugh.

"It is." I reply, still smiling at him. The rest of the project me and Bruce bonded and eventually he asked me to be his girlfriend officially. Thank God for Mr.Brown.

(1270 words)
woah this one is long
well i hope u like this bruce one
i think i might do another vance one soon, but please leave requests! 💗

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