miguel cazarez-mora-city of love

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description: you and your boyfriend miguel go to paris together.

i wake up in an unfamiliar room, but with a familiar presence wrapped around me. i turn around in bed and come face to face with my boyfriend miguel. he's still sleeping considering we got to our airbnb at three in the morning last night. i glace at the clock and see that it's almost ten here in paris.

i sneak out of miguel's arms and go to the kitchen, hoping to find something to make breakfast with. i find some ingredients for eggs and start to fry them, putting toast in the toaster as well. as i'm frying the eggs i feel strong arms wrap around me.

"what are you doing up?" miguel mumbles, nuzzling his face into my neck. i smile at the boy, enjoying his embrace. "i woke up and decided to make breakfast. i hope you're in the mood for eggs and toast." i reply smiling.

"that's good because i'm in the mood for whatever you make. you're almost as good as a cook as my mom." he laughs, pulling away from my to lean up against the counter to face me.

i blush a bit at the compliment. "gracias mi amor." he smiles at me, helping me finish breakfast. once we eat together i go and get ready for the day.

 once we eat together i go and get ready for the day

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ur outfit (change if u want to)

i walk out and miguel is grabbing his stuff to go out. he looks up and smiles, walking over to me. i smile as he wraps his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. "you look gorgeous y/n/n." he says into my hair. my heart melts at the compliment. i mumble a thank you as i wrap my arms around his torso.

we break from the hug and he takes my hand in his as we exit the airbnb. we walk through the streets of paris, close in proximity, stopping shortly in some stores on the street, buying something everyone once in a while.

once we've slowly made our way around we find ourselves i front of a lunch restaurant. by now the time is around 1:30 so we decided to stop.

we get seated shortly and we start talking. "i'm really loving this trip miguel." i smile at the boy in front of me. "me too pretty girl." he replies. after a while of talking we order and get our food, Love Of My Life by Harry Styles playing softly in the background.

we get our food and time passes by rather quickly. soon enough, we're back on the streets, walking about. miguel insists on carrying my shopping bags so i allow him to carry most of them. "what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't carry these for you?" he had asked me.

we head back to the airbnb and drop off our stuff and watch tv to pass the time so that we can go out to dinner. our reservation is at 6:15 and soon enough we start making our way over.

we get to the dinner place and eat while talking and laughing. this couldn't be a more perfect day.

eventually we finish dinner around 7:20pm. miguel rushes us out of the restaurant and pulls me all the way to the eiffel tower. by now it's nearly sunset and he apparently has tickets to go up in the eiffel tower.

we make our way up to the top and to my surprise it's empty. i smile as i start to hear miguel play lover by taylor swift and we start swaying to the music.

inspo for scene kinda but ur up there lol

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inspo for scene kinda but ur up there lol

as we dance i realize how much i love miguel. once the song ends i smile up at him. "i love you miguel." he grins down at me. "it's a good thing i took you to the city of love then." he laughs.

i rest my head on his chest as we watch the sun go the rest of the way down.

(681 words)

expected this to be longer but whatevs

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