finney blake-escaped

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description: finney escaped from the grabber and you get the news
(idk felt like i needed to do another finney one and also i don't think this will be angst or anything like that but idk since i've never rlly written angst before)

TW:mentions of death (just how the grabber died in the movie)

i wake up this morning same as always. hoping and praying that something on the radio will say that the kids are found. more importantly finney. it's nearly been two weeks and the more time that passes the less likely he'll be found alive.

i get out of bed, pulling myself together for school. i've been skipping a bit ever since finney went missing which is out of character for me. i make my way downstairs where my mom is laying down my breakfast on the table. once she sees me she turns on the radio and goes to the news station.

i sit down and start eating, half listening to the radio half letting my mind wander. "breaking news, the local kidnapper, 'the grabber' now identified as albert shaw has been stopped from his terrible crimes, not by the authorities, but by his most recent victim, finney blake."

my eyes widen as i drop my fork on my plate and rush closer to the radio, turning it up. my mom also comes over, listening intently with me. my mom loves finney like a son and whenever he came to the house she would bake him something for no apparent reason.

"blake was in the midst of being attacked by the kidnapper but acted fast and used tactics that he had made during his stay, luring the grabber down a small hall in the basement where finney had set up a hole and places a grate in. the grabber fell and broke his ankle, trapping him. there, blake strangled him and ended the ordeal by breaking the neck." the reporter says.

"finney blake is now in the local hospital, being treated for some minor injuries and being fed." as soon as i hear those words i stand up and nearly sprint to the door. my mom watches as i tear out the door and start booking it to the local hospital.

the hospital isn't too far away from our house luckily so i make it there in about 10ish minutes. once i reach the front desk i'm out of breath. i go up to the secretary who is looking at me with an odd look on her face.

"can i please see finney blake?" i ask her, nearly begging. she looks at me and then to her notes.

"well, the notes say that family members only but i suppose just this once you could..." she trails off. i immediately thank her profusely as she types me in as a sibling and gives me his room number.

i go to his floor and find the door with his name on it. i pause in front of 312 where words on the door read: finney blake. i open the door slowly and look towards the bed to see finney sit up and look to the door.

his eyes widen once he realizes that I'm not his dad or gwenny. my eyes water out of relief since i was made to assume that he wouldn't come out of that basement alive. i rush over to his side and he immediately wraps his arms around me.

"i thought- i mean i didn't know you'd still be here." i ramble into his arms, feeling tears fall from my eyes. he shushes me softly, pulling me gently onto his lap for a better position. (not like that yall 😟)

"i know, i know." he says quietly into my ear to help me calm down slightly. after a couple minutes of him calming me down which probably should be the other way around since he just killed and escaped a kidnapper, i peel myself off him, looking into his eyes.

"i'm so sorry i couldn't do anything to help you finn, i mean i should've helped searching or something like that." i say, shaking my head.

"hey, no it's okay. you didn't have to help. i'm just happy that you're safe and you didn't get hurt at all during this process- at least physically." finney reassures me, smiling softly. how i missed that smile.

"i'm glad you're okay finn." i say, voice barely above a whisper. he smiles at me, a genuine smile that i missed so much while he was gone. he then leans in and presses a soft kiss onto my lips. me and finney were never one to kiss all of the time like some kids in our grade, but when we did you know it meant something.

once we pull away, he tucks a strand of my hair behind my head. "i missed you so much y/n/n." finney says, eyes glued onto mine.

"i missed you too. more than anything." i reply, smiling at the boy in front of me. for a boy who just escaped a kidnapper he seems more confident and strong than he was before.

"i love you and i'm never going to go away again. at least i'm going to try not to, but now i know how to fight a bit." he chuckles a bit. a smile breaks out on my face.

"i love you too finn." i speak, smiling and hugging his torso once again. somehow after all that happened just this past year, things ended up alright and it's just because my finney is still here.

(936 words)

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