"What happened before?" Bourbon calmed down and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Can you explain it to me?"

Although he seemed calm, he was actually singing a song crazily in his mind to cover up his confusion. The feeling of being frightened by the unscientific suffocation scene in front of you at any time.

What did he do? What did Gin do before? No, so it’s really Miss Tsuruto? !

Heli gradually figured out something was wrong.

Could it be——? !

She opened her mouth in surprise, and her expression became stiff.


She probed cautiously and got Bourbon's response.

"Miss Heli...?"

The two looked at each other in silence.

Then, as if by reflex and tacit understanding, they suddenly distanced themselves from each other. Heli was so frightened that he sat up from the bed, and Bourbon was so frightened that he jumped off the bed.

She covered her face on the spot, her mood collapsed, and her expression even looked like a vision of the world-famous painting "The Scream".

Why? Why is this happening?

Bourbon opened the curtains on the spot, and the light outside was already very bright, so everything inside was completely illuminated.

Then Bourbon saw the wound on her neck clearly, and it was so real that his eyes widened in shock again, and his original calm demeanor disappeared.

It seemed that because he was too shocked, Bobon didn't even realize why Heli knew him and called him by his code name in the organization.

"..." x2

The atmosphere at this moment is particularly weird.

One person was so shocked by the complex amount of information and the unscientific and terrifying scene that his brain almost shut down.

The other one started thinking crazily about how to solve the problem now that there was another insider.

Heli pondered for a long time, and then looked at Bourbon. Bourbon stiffened inexplicably when he was looking at him, and looked away seemingly normally.

She naturally showed a light smile, pretending to be calm on the surface, but actually collapsed inside.

Why doesn’t this game have a save and rollback function? !

The two were silent for a long time.

After that, Bourbon finally spoke up, breaking the strange silence. He repeatedly calmed down his almost shattered scientific outlook, and with his strong psychological quality, he was able to say in an organized manner: "Do you know what's happening on the island now?" Do you know what happened? Do you know the murderer? If someone finds out that you are still alive -"

At this point, he paused.

The dead are just pretending to be corpses.

The face pinching system makes me super amazingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن