Bombs away!Gabriel's flame gone out!

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"OK!Listen up!We need to go above!And to do that you'll accompany me and I'll take you where you need to get to.But if we're declaring war with Fletcher,we need guns.Lots of em',so we need to go back to the few bases you kids have raided and scavenged.We pick up everything.No trace left behind.We split into groups,Melody will lead Skye and Gabriel and I'll lead Baxter and Henry to find anything else.With these very suspicious flare guns I bought at a tourist shop?We'll be able to fire three signals."

"Green for we have succeeded our objective,yellow for help and red for dire emergencies.We don't fire in the air in case we alert some unwanted forces.We fire in the view of a working camera which is where Akiya will be,watching us to see if everything works,Skye you'll have to give her directions.Any questions?"
When no one said anything.Jazzer grinned and stood up,admiring his drawing from white chalk.
"Well let's get to it!Wheres the nearest base hm?Surely there was one near my circus your dad destroyed?"
Jazzer said to Skye,who gulped from the unnerving smile on Jazzer's face.
"B-base 32 s-sir."
"Good man!How far's the travel kid?"

"Actually-about that,I wasn't specific when I told the shadows what to destroy Uncle."
Melody said dryly.Jazzer shrugged,
"Ok?No problem about that!There's gotta be stuff left hasn't there?How far is it?
"The circus remains aren't far from here."
Baxter said quickly,Jazzer turned to him,
"Oh yeah?Where about's?"
"If we find the circus grounds,I'm pretty sure I could try tracking where the soldiers exactly came from.I can sorta track footprints and shit."
"Or we could. . .use the. . .intergalactic wormholes. . ."
Henry mumbled miserably.Gabriel laughed nervously,hugging Henry from the side,
"Aww!Your so thoughtful mon cher."

"I like your thinking Henry!Lets do it then!"
"Ugh ok. . ."
Henry could feel his stomach bugging out.Skye quickly told Melody a descriptive run up of the building;basically like all the others except this one was shied away in bushes and trees.Melody held two fingers in both hands,making a circular motion with her hands,and a shimmering purple and blue cascading border appearing as she drew the shape.On the other side of the portal,the exact location Skye had told her appeared there,the same fortified structure with steely black fencing with spears jutted up with intercom speakers.
"Let's go!No need for your tracking skills today Baxter!"
Skye sighed in relief,
"Looks like this base is closed today!Come on!"


The groups quickly split up,checking the strangely empty hallways and rooms.Soon enough,Henry,Melody and Skye were lugging around duffel bags filled with rifles,pistols and hand grenades.Akiya was staring intently at the screens,sitting in Skye's broken chair.Jazzer pointed his staff at empty rooms,clear bubbles heaving everything valuable out the room.Melody walked past one of the rooms,doing a double take when she saw Baxter sitting down on the floor,leaning on the cracking wall and wheezing frantically.He couldn't breathe.

Melody wordlessly walked in and crouched down in front of him.Baxter weakly opened his clenched fist,an obviously empty inhaler clattered to the floor.Melody crept next to him,taking in the dreaded,rising panic in his eyes.He turned to Melody,squinting his eyes.She smiled and swept her hands up in a sweeping motion,her chest rising as she breathed in,and did the same thing except moved her hands down as she exhaled,
She whispered.Baxter scrunched his eyes closed.

The empty breath was painful but Baxter was eased by Melody's soothing voice,the echo of her words sounding like one of her beloved songs.He turned to Melody as she platonically grasped his hand,
"And when creation goes to die,you can find me in the night and you will be ok.Everything will be ok. . ."
"W-where'd you learn th-that one?"
Baxter whispered weakly.Melody looked ahead,
"Apparently a lord from a distant pit called Hell sung it to his daughter when she was in distress."
"You study a lot of that huh?Songs from other universes.What was the first distant song you learned Mel's?"
Melody was quiet,she sighed and leaned on her hand,smiling crookedly,
"The first one I learnt was the first I ever sung.It was a song called 'Candle queen'."

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