Skye and Melody's plan pt.2!

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Under Melody's sleeping spell,most of the guards in the area snoozing and lumbering around and attacking any guard that were still awake.Skye led her through the mostly empty base,Melody had insisted that Gabriel (who was in charge of the other group) lead them through another passage to find anything they'd need.

"You sure you can go by yourself Mel's?"
Gabriel had whispered,Melody had nodded firmly,
"His tune keeps changing and it gives me a headache but-he's harmless Gabriel."

"So where're we headed Fletcher?"
Melody asked skeptically,Skye turned to her,
"The security room,I have access to everything from there.I'll get the emergency shut off switch for the toxin from the hatch,disable screens and cameras,and then afterwards,we put those old geezers out of their misery and then-I let you take the kill."
Melody nodded,then froze.She stopped and pulled Skye back,he turned,tilting his head curiously,
"Yes?Was none of that understandable?"
Melody had a shocked gasp on her face,frowning.
"Y-your. . .your just gunna let me kill your dad?I mean that's my whole goal but. . ."
Skye frowned,and then nodded,
"Well yeah.I told you.He doesn't care about me,couldn't give one shit,better if I'm dead according to him.Killing you would surely earn his affections though."
Skye whispered,smiling at her.

"But even so,I've made a choice.I want that motherfucking,mother murderer dead.He couldn't care less about the child my mother carried for him.So tell me why the fuck I should care for him,"
Skye narrowed his eyes,his voice trembling and cracking.
"When he couldn't even care to as much as call me his own son,and it's all your fault Melody but for some reason,I can't bring myself to hate you as much as I should.Your fault he snapped,your fault he murdered her,your fault he branded his own boy. . ."
Skye stopped,shuddering slightly,grasping the side of his head.His lip trembled as his tears fell,he looked so vulnerable.So vulnerable that Melody could've taken any chance to end his grieving misery right now.But she wouldn't,and she wouldn't regret that decision even in what would follow in about three years.

Melody couldn't tear her eyes away,glued to Skye's hiccuping,sobbing figure.She carefully walked forward,not sure how to comfort her enemy.Melody slowly looked around,a heaving sigh of relief escaping her lips as she saw no cameras around.She turned around to face Skye,he was still quietly sobbing.She stepped forward and before she could regret her actions,she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist,hugging him tightly.

Skye gasped,stuttering and hands shaking.He exhaled heavily,his head resting on top of Melody's purple hair.Melody frowned,closing her eyes to the rhythmic drum of Skye's heart.
'Jeez mother. . .what's wrong with me. . .?'
Melody thought begrudgingly,she hated the moment,but she found herself not hating him.She wriggled into the warm embrace as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders,returning her affections.Melody shivered as Skye's lips pecked her forehead,lingering slightly as he pulled away.
"I'm sorry for acting like that. . ."
He whispered,Melody didn't say anything but nodded.

"I don't think your prepared to see your father's life torn away from your hands.You may hate,despise,wish death upon him.But in the end,your never gunna be ready,I wasn't ready to let go of my brothers and father once they were. . .are you sure you want me to end this?Because if your father,my enemy is killed today,I take his subordinates and you with him."
She said briskly,folding her arms.Skye looked down,the man that abused him,raised him so differently,never earned an ounce of love from that man,the one that murdered his poor mother in cold blood,he'd be dead.

Of course Skye would grieve,he'd grieve in the afterlife after Melody would eventually end his life but he'd be free and kept shied away from Morrigan's protective eyes.He sighed and rubbed his eyes,
"You feel better?"
Melody asked timidly,Skye turned to her,frowning,
"Never better."
He snapped sarcastically.Melody chuckled,Skye's heart tightened.She's standing here,in front of someone she hates,laughing.How can she stand there and look so beautiful?He sighed and straightened his hat,
"L-let's go before we run out of time. . ."

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