chapter 4

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Vardhan pov.....

We have been invited as a chief guest for an Annual function in Shimla coming Saturday....Dad informed as we were having dinner.
But I didn't get any such invitation...I said feeding Amu and having my food simultaneously.

They personally said it to me and we are going ....Dad declared looking at me .
I won't be able to make it . I have to be somewhere else ...I said as I was not interested in any such function and being the chief guest .

Offcourse, I already knew it . You just have to contradict to whatever I say because otherwise you go to Shimla every now and then . But this time I have asked for it have some other work ....he said making me huff .

I go there for work only and this time too I have to look into an urgent and important work at the other site and it's not like they have asked you to specially bring me there .....I said.

My mother was pleading me with her eyes to not say anything further while Vihaan was completely indulged in his food as he has become quite habitual to this while my sweet Amu was busy feeding her doll the food simultaneously eating from my hand .

Ahhhh.....spiciiii. 🥵 (spicey)....she said taking her tongue out and I realised that I fed her my gravy accidentally.
I made her eat the sweet dish and she felt better .
I left from there taking Amu from there as it's her time to sleep.
She gave a gud night kissie to everyone before leaving.
My baby is such a good girl .

As it was Sunday today I was at home only and Amu was currently playing with Vihaan .
She was making him dress her dolls and I was watching them in between while working on my laptop.

Maa gave me coffee and sat beside me . I
Looked up at her feelings suspicious.
Vardhan I need to talk to you about something important.....she said and I just hummed asking her to continue.
As you see Amu is growing up and she has started to understand few things too .
So far we were all here to take care of her and we managed it well too.....she was talking in circles making me sigh .
Come to the point maa .....I said keeping the laptop aside .

Get married again beta ......for Amu at least . A child needs mother at every point . As she is growing up she won't be able to share every  things with you . Someday Vihaan will get married and have his own childerns and when Amu will find them having the love of both the parents she will feel a void in her life .

I am there but for how long . I am getting old too . I know you didn't have a good experience in your first marriage but we can't see all women with the same lense.
You are giving her all but that's not enough beta . We don't need only materialist things to survive. As humans we have emotional needs too.

You keep yourself busy with work but what about Amu . One day she will ask you about her mother too and I know you wouldn't like her to see Nisha as a mother figure because she is not the one .
It's not just about you and your needs anymore. You are dragging a little life along with you .......She said and the reality hit me hard .

It's not like I was not aware of the things before but when someone just rubs it on your face hits harder .

But how can I trust some other women with My Amu. Why will someone give all her motherly love to Amu without any ulterior motive .....I asked turning to my mother and she just smiled at my query.

You know Vardhan women by nature have this caring and nurturing qualities but we can't generalize it . Some people are vile and money minded just like your ex wife but few are innocent and pure too .

We will find someone who will be able to accept Amu as her own child . Who has this motherly instinct and caring nature .....Maa said and I just huffed.
I don't think women like this exist in the real world ..... I stated .

You leave that on me . You just have to agree with it ....Maa said holding my palm .
The woman in front of me was playing all the strong cards and I know I have to give in so I just nodded .

My mother's face lit up instantly and she hugged me kissing my head making me chuckle at her excitement.

I know my son would definitely listen to his mother . You are not as stubborn and rigid as your father assumes you to be ....she said and Vihaan burst out laughing listening to them while I just narrowed my eyes at him .

My Amu giggled too not knowing the context and came running to me with an empty tea cup from her toy set .

Daddy ur cofe....She said and I sipped from that empty cup and praised her skills too which she grinned showing her bunny teeth .

Cokieee....she asked and I just nodded at her . She rushed back to her toys and this time she came with original cookies in her small plate .

I gladly took it and ate it in one go and that was my biggest mistake.
The next moment I heard her wailing loudly looking at her empty plate and her eyes accusing me .

I am please stop crying ....I said pulling her in my arms .
Nooooooo u ate all dol is Hungly now .....she said in between her cries .

Bhai too bad . That cookie was for meethu's doll. What will she eat now .....Vihaan said adding fuel to the fire .
I will get another cookie for you doll baby ...I said consoling my daughter while kicking my brother other who was laughing lying on the floor .

Amu stopped crying but she narrated the incident to all till evening.

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