chapter 2

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Sandhya pov-

Sandhya how many times have I asked you to not do these chores in the early morning. I would have prepared the tea myself .....Maa said entering the kitchen and I just smiled handling her the cup.
It's ok Maa. You have knee pain and I like doing things for the family.....I said filling up the tea in another cup for Papa and Maa just caressed my hairs lovingly going in the living room .

Good morning Papa.....I wished my father and he kissed my forhead greeting me back with his evergreen smile .
He patted the space beside him asking me to settle down .
We had our morning tea in peaceful silence and later maa got busy in preparing breakfast while Papa went for his morning walk .
I as usual rushed to the back yard to water the plants. I was humming a song enjoying the nature when our Neighbour Shashti uncle called my name .
Good morning uncle's your back pain ....I greeted him and inquired about his health.
Its better now thanks to your special oil ....he said making me chuckle.
Well I have found the book you were asking for ...he informed and I smiled widely.
Really.....I would collect it in the evening then ....I said he nodded .
Later Aunty called him for the breakfast and he went away bidding me bye .

As I entred the living room Maa asked me to wake up Shristi and I must tell you that its one of the most difficult task in the world .
She is a lady Kumbhkaran and won't even buzz a bit no matter how much you try .
And that's the reason she gets late daily for her college. She is ready to hear the scolding from the professor but don't give up on her sleep .

I somehow woke her up and get inside the washroom to get ready for the day .
As soon as I steeped out after bathing I saw shristhi sleeping taking the support of wall and I chuckled shaking my head at this sleepy head .
I pushed her inside the washroom and to make sure that she doesn't fall asleep inside I splashed some cold water on her face making her groan .

I got ready and started to clean the room when Shrishti came out wrapping a towel around her and hugged me .
I kissed her forhead and asked her to get dressed but she being she laid on the bed  hanging her legs down .
Diiii you choose something for me to wear  or else you will scold me for messing up all the clothes ......she said .
I took out a pair of clothes from the wardrobe and kept them beside her .
She grinned hugging my waist and I just playfully slapped the back of her head making her giggle.

I came downstairs taking my handbag and helped maa in setting up the breakfast table .
Soon Shristi and Papa joined us and we  sat down to have our breakfast.

Vidhya Do you remember my college Friend Rajvardhan who is also one of the leading business of our Country....Papa asked maa and she nodded .
Well Raj called me yesterday and Informed me that he is coming to Shimla for some business conference. He will visit us on the weekend.....Papa informed.
He was looking really happy. I have heard of Rajvardhan uncle a lot from him . Infact he was the one who funded our school during initial days as we didn't have that much money.
He didn't let Papa take huge amount of Loan . Their friendship is really unique and strong which is so rare in today's world .

Papa informed me about Raj uncle's family on our way to school and I was really exited to meet him in person.
I have met him in childhood only and doesn't remember much about him .

Papa went to his office and I made my way to the classroom to start my classes.
I love teaching just like my father . Everyday I get to learn something new with these growing minds .
Their innocent and innovative quires takes me by surprise and I love to clear their doubt about things .

During lunch break I made my way towards Papa's office . We had our lunch and discussed about the approaching annual function. I suggested to invite Raj uncle and his family as a chief guest as he has played a big role in establishing this school and Papa really liked the idea .
He said he would ask Raj uncle about this as he is quite a busy man and has a huge business to handle and I node my head in understanding but some where I knew that he would gladly accept it as he treats my father just like a family .

As the school got over I made my way back to home as Papa has to go somewhere else for a meeting regarding school work . I asked him if I should accompany him but he denied saying that it's nothing major .

I freshend up and made my way to Shastri uncle house as I have to collect the books from him .
Shastri uncle is a well known priest and he even predicts future by palm reading.
I greeted Aunty and she informed me that uncle has gone to the temple but will come back in another 10-15 minutes.
I chit chatted with Aunty and soon uncle came back .
We had some tea and then he gave me the books. He was informing me about the planetary motion and their effect on human lives .
I got really curious and asked him about my future life .
He was keenly looking at my palm and I was getting nervous by every passing minutes. will get into a very Rich family and will have a loving husband. You might face some difficulties in initial period and may have strained relationship but things will get better eventually.
He is a great men but would come across as a total different personality. You will have to be very patient with him . He will laid down the world in your feet but you have to make way to his heart ....... Shastri uncle predicted and I was completely stunned but what he said next took me by shock and surprise.
You will get married in the next 3 months ....he said with complete surety.
I took my leave bidding them bye .
I tried to behave normally in front of the family but internally I was battling a Strom .
I was not feeling sleepy today . I came out in the balcony and sat on the swing chair lost in the things uncle predicted about my future .
Is it all going to be true.....???? I was finding it really difficult to digest all the new information I got to know about my future.

Embracing The new Beginnings..✔️.........Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora