Never an End?

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Kira and Amelie had actually managed to defeat Paul.  But unfortunately he wasn't the only villain, there were also the other werewolves, such as his father, Kreys.

"Why are there so many bad guys?" Amelie asked her in surprise and sat down next to her on the bed. "It would probably be boring without bad guys and you couldn't stand the boredom. Without the bad guys, we wouldn't have experienced all of this!  "  Kira explained somewhat proudly since they had almost done it.
Amelie nodded and was once again surprised by Kira's positivity.  Why do Taureans only see things so positively?  How does it work?

Just as they were talking about the special and probably impossible events for anyone outside, there was a rustling noise from the closet.

Kira unsuspectingly opened the door to her closet when she was startled by a familiar face.
She fell to the floor in fear and tried to crawl away from Rückswerks on the floor.
But the person or creature grabbed her and pulled her through the portal in the closet.

Amelie wanted to save her, but she only managed to see the figure's hand.  This was hairy and resembled that of a werewolf.  What about Kreys?  But how would he know Kira's address?
Amelie shook her head and tried to concentrate on the facts.

Stressed, she tried to slow her heart rate and calm down.  After 5 minutes, her heart stopped beating so hard, so she sat down and quickly wrote down the facts:
Possible enemies with fur:
Kreys, Paul (when it finally turns into a werewolf) or a strange werewolf that they haven't been allowed to meet yet (But what would a stranger want from Kira?).

It would be most logical if it was Kreys.  But pondering was of no use, she had to try to find out where the werewolf jumped with Kira.  Or rather, which year?
But how should Amelie do that? Is there a detector for something like that?  Probably not!

Well, then she'll try using her powers.  But how?  She had never felt so desperate and under pressure before.

What would you do in your situation?  Did you have a plan or at least some preparation for it?  Honestly, I would probably be more overwhelmed than Amelie in this situation.
Feel free to write your opinion in the comments.  ^⁠_⁠^

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum