The return

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After a little cooling down, Kira and Nacht-Star continued on their way.  It slowly became dark again and Kira was hopeful that there would be a portal at the end that only opens at 3 a.m.  She didn't have a watch, but when the two of them reached the end and actually stood in front of a portal, they waited for something to happen.

Sure enough, the portal opened and they were able to walk through.  Suddenly ghosts came flying towards the two of them and shouted: “Stop!  Don't move!" Kira was scared to death and jumped through the portal as quickly as possible.

She pulled herself out of the portal by the edges of her closet.  In a panic, she ran to her mother, who was still ironing.  "Kira, what's wrong?" she asked Kira. But Kira couldn't tell her, her mother would never believe her. She answered: "I'm afraid of a big shadow in my room!"

Ps: Of course that's not true!  But that's how she gets into her room and the ghosts only attack Kira when she's alone.  Otherwise that would be too noticeable, even though only she can see the ghosts.

It worked!  Kira's mother went with her to her room like before and showed her that the shadow was harmless.  Kira was so relieved.  But the ghosts will come again.  For some reason they want me to come to them.  But what could this reason be?

Kira lay down in bed and fell asleep.  Night Star lay next to her the whole time.

The next morning, Monday September 19th, 2023: Kira got up and got dressed.  It was Monday, so school was back.  She had breakfast with Nacht-Star and then went to school.  Amelie had already been waiting for them and they set off to school together.

The first lesson was math and the teacher wanted to know what 324-4566 was.  She was given exactly the task that Kira didn't have.  She said: "I couldn't complete the task!" Ms. Müller replied: "But you should have all the tasks! You had enough time! Then add them up now in front of everyone!"  Kira was angry with Ms. Müller but did it anyway.  "It's......." "This is taking too long for me, it's not a good performance from you Kira!"

Just as Ms. Müller picked up a red pen and wanted to take notes, Kira shouted into the class: "The answer is -4.242!" Astonished, Ms. Müller dropped her pen and said: "That's correct!"  Kira smiled and Amelie was very impressed.  The second and last lesson for 8a was art.  Dennis, a boy from Kira's class, created 5 timers on the Active Panel (an electric board) and when the teacher, Mr. Becic, came in and wanted to explain the next art project, the timers started sounding the alarm.  It was super loud and the whole class laughed.  But Mr. Becic didn't find it funny at all.  He stormed out of class angrily and didn't come back.  Everyone was happy about this free lesson.

After school the two walked back home.  Amelie noticed that something was wrong with Kira.  She carefully asked: "Are you okay, Kira?" "Yes,...No. Not really. Can you keep a secret?"  "Of course!" "Ok, there are ghosts in my closet. Kira told Amelie everything. At first Amelie just laughed at her, but then she believed her and promised not to say anything.

Hopefully she really keeps it to herself!  What was the mistake of telling Amelie?

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now