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Kira was still lying in bed and yawning to herself.  It was Friday, almost the weekend, just one more day, she said motivatingly.  Unfortunately, Friday always drags on like this, and three hours suddenly turn into what feels like six.

A look at her window made her stand up.  It was snowing and she remembered one super important thing: Today is December 23rd!  Or to put it another way, tomorrow is Christmas Eve!

That was enough motivation for her.  After just 5 minutes she was fully dressed and sitting at the kitchen table.  But then her mood was dampened; there was something unpleasant on the calendar today.  Today they have to leave the house and move to Sweden!

Kira panicked, what if she can't do the magic with the money!  She took a slow breath and screamed: “Mom, mom!  Look!  There's something there in the snow!"

Her mother looked out the window and ran out.  "Where?!" she asked. Kira answered: "There! Next to you!"

Her mother looked and Kita raised her hands.  She focused closely on the money, which is about to appear in the snow.  When she opened her eyes again, she heard a scream.

She frantically ran to her mother outside and asked in a panic: “Is everything okay?  Did you hurt yourself?" But her mother laughed, with tears in her eyes. She happily held up the banknotes and answered: "That's $12,000, they were just lying in the snow. We should ask who lost them!?"

Kira shook her head in horror and stuttered: “I collected it on the street or simply started a fundraiser.  Me and my friend Amelie don't want to move!"

Her mother laughed and hugged Kira tightly in her arms.  “Well then, you and Amelie will get a big sundae this afternoon.  But now, off to school with you!" she said.

Kira quickly hopped into her shoes and threw her backpack over her shoulders.

Amelie was already standing at the front door and wanted to ring the bell when Kira opened it.  The two of them ran off because it was already 7:55 a.m. (school starts at 8 a.m.) and the walk to school takes 10 to 15 minutes.

At exactly 8 a.m. they reached the schoolyard and ran into the classroom.

Mrs. Kaiser was very angry with the two of them and complained: “You’re late again!  Like yesterday and the day before yesterday!  That's enough for me, you'll be in detention for 2 hours today and then I can contact your parents!  "

They swallowed and sat down in their seats.  The math class was boring as always, Kira felt like she knew all the answers but was never taken on.  At some point she no longer felt like answering and put her arm on the table.  It was red and hurt, no wonder, she had been calling for 45 minutes straight!

Amelie, on the other hand, only contacted us three times, but she also had other worries.  She kept wondering what Kira was keeping from her!

In the break:
Kira and Amelie sat on a large, flat stone and ate their lunch.  Amelie always has really tasty food with her and Kira always only has flabby whole grain bread.  They watched another group of girls staring at the "cool" guys the whole time.

Vanessa, the leader of the girls, went over to Joe and asked him: "How was it at the cinema after school?  as she wrapped a strand of her hair around her index finger.

Joe nodded and the screaming Vanessa went back to the other girls.  Amelie and Kira got such a flash of laughter and imitated her.

Vanessa and the others just looked at us in disgust, but that was another reason to laugh.  Those looks!🤣

The rest of the day actually went by relatively quickly, but the detention didn't, on the contrary.  Only 5 minutes had passed when Kira no longer felt like working on the assigned tasks.

Suddenly Amelie whispered: "What are you not telling me?!" Kira became suspicious and replied: "Well, I need you anyway. Well, your memory was erased, but maybe I can get it back for you. Wait a minute, I have to  concentrate on my strengths."

Amelie stared at her strangely and probably thought Kira was crazy.
But Kira closed her eyes and focused on her target.  After a short time, Amelie felt a tingling sensation and Kira opened her eyes.

,,Wow!  I can remember everything!  You chose Paul over me!  How come?  What happened?  Where is he?" Amelie said with a snap.

Kira said: "I'll tell you everything tomorrow, can you forgive me?" Amelie nodded and they continued with the tasks together.

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now