A Team (Revised)

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"Come on, this is where they both live," Kira said to Amelie as they walked through a settlement.

After a short while they stood in front of an old, yellow and decorated house. Above the bell it said: Streuzig family.

Amelie found it strange and didn't want her to disturb the previous tenants, but Kira knew she was welcome. At least that's what Martina said.

Peter probably still hates Kira, but it's more important that they work together and defeat the mythical creatures instead of fighting each other!

Suddenly the door opened and Martina came out to the two of them. ,,Hello! You must be Amelie, Kira has already told me many nice things about you! Come in, into the living room." Kira and Amelie greeted them.

The three entered the cozy living room and took a seat. There were over records and books in the room. There were four lamps around the large brown leather sofa, with a strap to keep the lights on. The lighting was also rather old-fashioned, the window had dust deposits on the panes and the light came through dimly.

Martina started the conversation and asked: "Why did you come here? Something happened? "

"No, nothing new, but we need some advice!" Kira explained.

Amelie spoke up: "What did you do when you were in Kira's situation?"

"I have never been in such a dilemma. I was unable to enter the ghost and werewolf world, nor was Peter, my husband. We only had the nightly visits from the ghosts," Martina said.

Kira asked: "But why only ghosts come through the portal in the closet, not werewolves?"

"That's easy, only ghosts and the chosen one can go through the portal in the closet."

"And why did I make it through the portal?" Amelie answered doubtfully.

Martina said: "You can believe me, I just want to help you. Of course it is possible that other people can also travel through the portal, but only if the chosen one also wants to and agrees to it."

At that moment Peter came into the living room and shouted: "What are you doing here? Get out, now! "

"No, you can stay! We are now working with both of them, in a joint team, they need our help!" answered Martina.

Peter left again and Martina said to Kira and Amelie: "I think I have an idea, you could travel back in time and prevent the founding of the mythical people! "

"That's a good idea, thank you. See you soon!" Kira said. She and Amelie got up and left the building.

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum