The website

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Kira stood in her room in front of the wardrobe and screamed: “Without you, none of this would have happened!  "

Of course, she got no answer, which made her even angrier.  She quickly calmed down and got the rope from her box, under her bed.

She frantically closed the cupboard and leaned against the right door.  She took several deep breaths and tried to make sense of everything that had already happened.

Suddenly she remembered that she wanted to find out who the previous tenants were.
She quickly ran to her laptop and googled the house.  It didn't take long until she found the listing for sale.

The website said:
Property: Beautiful house with garden and balcony.
Location: At the city forest, near a school and a supermarket.
Area: 180m² (living area), 300m² (garden)
Special: Great view of the forest, well-preserved old building with decorations.
Rooms: 1 children's room, 1 adult room (for 2 people), 1 toilet, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 cellar
Room distribution: Below: kitchen, living room, basement exit, hallway (entrance) Above: children's room, bedroom, toilet, balcony
Landlord: Peter and Martina Streuzig
Price: Directly in cash: $45,000 (card payment not possible!)
Contact: Tel. +49 5299 368204

Kira finally understood why her parents bought it, the price was really fair!  But they could have expected the high taxes!

When she closed her laptop and grabbed the phone, she called the landlord.  At first it wasn't picked up, but then an old and scratchy voice spoke: "Hello, Peter Streuzig here on the line!  Who 's there?"

Kira was wondering what to say when she simply stated the real reason without telling any lies.
Peter became angry and shouted into the phone: "I can't help you any further!  Everything is fine with the old closet!  We just forgot it and now we have a new one, be happy about this gift!"

Just as Kira was about to answer, he simply hung up.  But he had given away his surroundings, Kira could hear the sound of the sea in the background and there was a small, not particularly nice beach near her.

Maybe they'll pay the old people a visit; she needs to know why they moved away.  The two of them definitely know a lot about the ghosts and moon wolves!

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now