The first night in the new house

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It had already gotten dark and Kira wanted to go to sleep.  Unfortunately her room was still so bare that she couldn't sleep.  She looked at the brown wooden ceiling, which she didn't find particularly nice either.

She was about to close her eyes when she suddenly saw a figure out of the corner of her eye.  Kira pulled the blanket over herself in shock and picked up her cell phone.  She didn't believe in ghosts, so she thought maybe it was a burglar.  She dialed 110 and slowly pulled the blanket off her head.  Before she actually called, she wanted to make sure it was really a burglar because a false alarm would be really embarrassing.

Her feet cautiously touched the cold wooden floor.  She held on to the concrete wall with one hand and a metal pipe that was on the floor with the other.  Her cell phone was in her sweater pocket.

Yes, you heard right, she wears a sweater when she sleeps.  Unfortunately, this house does not have a washing machine as stated in the description when we purchased it.  Kira's parents have complained, but so far they can only wear clean clothes.  But Kira could only pack a pair of pajamas because her suitcase was already very full.  After the trip, her suitcase with her only pair of pajamas fell into the mud when she got out.  With her luck, the flap on her suitcase came off upon impact and the pajamas that were on top turned brown.

As Kira walked, the floor creaked loudly under her feet with every step.  She took a short break and breathed more quietly so that she wouldn't miss anything.  Just as she was about to look anxiously around the corner, she stopped.  There was another creaking sound, but not from her.  Her eyes fell on the large metal wall clock.  It was three in the morning, so it was unlikely that her parents would be walking around the house at that time.

Her knees went weak and she almost fell to the floor if there hadn't been an old side table next to her to hold on to.  Suddenly she also heard a scream.

She felt sick and vomited.  A bucket suddenly stood next to her and she accepted it in her need.  When she was finished she said: "Thanks, Mom!" and looked around the corner. But her mother was nowhere to be seen. She immediately panicked again and turned back to the bucket. But the bucket was empty as if by magic. The whole thing  The contents were gone and the bucket was no longer dark blue but wine red.

Determined, she got up again.  Kira really wanted to know what figure she had seen.  At the next creak that made her jump in shock, she jumped around the corner and punched the air in panic.  Kira hit a white veil.  It was like fog only with a higher density, you could see that in the fog.  Kira was a very good student in chemistry.  But at that moment it wasn't much help.  Or did you learn how to fight fog or mysterious creatures in chemistry class?  Slowly the veil dissolved.  She stood in the hallway like she was made of stone.  After about a minute she went back to sleep.

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant