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As the sound of laughter slowly faded away, the ghosts and moon wolves rushed at Kira and Amelie at the same time.

The two panicked and fled into the forest.  A chase developed through the magical forest.

Amelie screamed out of breath: "I knew we couldn't trust the ghosts!" But Kira didn't answer, she was just mad at herself for being so naive.

They ran as fast as they could, but it was too slow.  The ghosts and werewolves were close behind them when Kira stopped.  Amelie stared at her in confusion as Kira pulled her arm along.  Sue hid behind a tree as the mythical creatures ran past them.

After a short time, however, the werewolves noticed it because they could no longer sniff her trail.  Amelie and Kira had a lead, but not a big one and not even in terms of strength.

At some point Kita stopped and said: "It's no use running away.  They will always find us and I lost my bearings, no idea where the portal was.  I think we only have one thing left, we have to fight!  "

Amelie thought it was crazy, but still wanted to support her.  It didn't take long before the mythical creatures caught up with them and were standing right in front of them.

They wondered why the two had stopped, but the main thing was that the two were caught.

Everyone stared at each other and thought about a good attack strategy.

When the mythical creatures attacked, it was difficult for the two of them to communicate.  Suddenly Kira felt a tingling sensation in her heart, she took a deep breath and suddenly floated.

Kira could look down on the others from above.  Was she a ghost?  And how did she do it?

The spirits were frightened and the king of the spirits said: “It is too late!  She has already discovered her true potential!  We can no longer win over their powers."

The mood among the mythical creatures became increasingly miserable when a werewolf attacked Amelie in anger.  With one blow, he rammed his claws into her head.  The blood flowed in all directions and she had deep, large wounds on her head and neck.  Kira fell to the ground.

Because of the shock, she couldn't use her powers.  The mythical creatures slowly disappeared and Kira sat all alone next to Amelie.  But it was too late, she had stopped breathing.

Kira's tears also flowed in all directions, one tear landed on Amelie's forehead.  Kira, who had closed her eyes, didn't notice Amelie glowing golden.  Only when Amelie tapped her did Kira see that she was alive.  Happy and relieved, they hugged each other and stood up again.  But Amelie still had her wounds.

Together they crossed the fable forest and after a few hours, finally found the portal.  But it was broken.  The mythical creatures must have destroyed it.  How are the two of them getting back now?  And when?

The Ghosts in my House 1 (English)Where stories live. Discover now